Instructions for making cages for hamsters with your own hands

Many people have various pets, but not every person has living conditions that allow them to keep dogs or cats. In this case, attention shifts to smaller mammals, such as hamsters. They are usually kept in cages. It is undesirable to keep such animals in three-liter jars or in aquariums, since they do not have very good air exchange - the pet simply will not have enough oxygen. This will have a very negative impact on his activity, vital activity and life expectancy.

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Keeping a hamster in a cage is convenient and very practical: it is easy to give him food, change water and clean the bottom of droppings. The choice of such products today is quite large, so it is quite easy to get confused in the diversity that reigns on the market. To prevent you from getting into this situation, we decided to rank the best cages for hamsters. In this article, we have collected the most popular models among users, in which pets will feel as comfortable as possible. Here you will also find a number of useful tips that will definitely come in handy when buying a house for your hamster.

Types of cages for hamsters

There are four main types of houses depending on the material used. Each of them has both positive and negative sides, which affects the final cost. To make the right choice, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons of the product. Below are their brief characteristics:

  1. Metal cage for a hamster. The most popular option. Hamsters will have a very interesting time in metal cages with horizontal bars. These are perfect for Syrian rodents who will not be able to escape due to their large size. Metal models, as a rule, are very easy to disassemble, clean, and are durable. The only drawback of a metal cage is noise. If the animal stays awake in such a house at night, the owner is unlikely to be able to sleep.
  2. Plastic cage for a hamster. Such cages are often multi-level, equipped with tunnels and other entertainment. They look beautiful and are perfect for small hamsters, for example, Djungarian hamsters. Plastic models are durable, easy to use, and do not emit unnecessary noise. However, they also have a drawback. The plastic construction is easy to break. There are many hard-to-reach areas, which significantly complicates the cleaning process. Sometimes plastic products are overpriced.
  3. Aquarium. This product is perfect for keeping some types of hamsters. These aquariums are durable and transparent, made of glass or plexiglass. There must be a well-ventilated lattice lid on top. The minimum volume of an aquarium for a hamster should be 40 liters. The disadvantages of such a home include heavy weight, poor ventilation, difficulty in operation and cleaning. In addition, it is problematic to attach some accessories to them.
  4. Modular system. These are cages to which you can attach any elements at your discretion. This option is very good, but also expensive. Sometimes these houses don't look good. However, this is a great solution for people who plan to increase the number of their pets over time.

Easy to clean

In general, a wire cage with a plastic tray is easiest to clean. Simply remove the mesh top of the cage, clean the bedding and wipe down the wire part if necessary.

The more complex the cage, the more difficult it will be to clean, which is very important if you are considering a plastic cage with multiple compartments and tubes. These cages can be a real chore to clean.

Aquariums are not that difficult to clean, but they can be heavy and awkward to handle during cleaning.

How to choose a cage for a hamster

If you are planning to get a rodent, you should definitely take care of a comfortable home for it. You will need a cage for your hamster to make life interesting even in captivity. It can be filled with many accessories and toys. To choose a good house, you must take into account several parameters, which will be discussed in detail below:

  • the size of the bottom and the structure itself;
  • distance between rods;
  • number of storeys;
  • pallet;
  • door design;
  • ventilation;
  • ease of use and cleaning.

Cage size

Hamsters can travel long distances and generally need to move a lot, this is how nature created them. This means that the animal’s home must be spacious. The minimum size should be 30x50 cm. The larger it is, the better, because the animal needs space for psychological comfort. In a cramped cage he will behave unnaturally and may become ill from lack of exercise. When choosing a size, think in advance about how many accessories you plan to place there.

Distance between rods

This parameter needs to be given special attention. The distance between the bars of the grill should be no more than 1 cm, and if the animal is Djungarian or dwarf, then 0.5 cm maximum. Even a rodent that is bulky in appearance can easily crawl into a thin gap; animals are naturally very flexible and nimble. It is preferable that the rods be horizontal. Then they will become an additional toy for your pet; he will be able to climb them like a ladder. This is good for their fitness.

Number of storeys

This parameter is not important for the animal itself. The more floors, the more interesting it is for the owner to watch his pet. If you choose a design with several levels, keep in mind that the distance between them should be more than 18 cm, but not less than 30 cm. It is better to buy an option in which the height of the partitions can be adjusted independently. Do not give preference to lattice floors, take solid ones. Pieces of food and nesting materials will fall through the gaps, which is very annoying for rodents. In addition, the rodent can get injured on the bars.


This element can be static or retractable. The second option is much more convenient for the owner. To clean such a tray, you just need to pull it out without removing the animal. The floor can be solid plastic or latticework made of metal rods. From a hygiene point of view, the second one is preferable; some of the garbage will spill through it. It is important that the rods are frequent, with small intervals. Then the pet will calmly run on them and will not be injured.

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Door design

As a rule, the sash opens upward. It must have a reliable latch, because hamsters are very cunning and strong. They will try to get out and because of the weak door they will be able to do this easily. Doors that open downwards or to the side are not the best option. With this door design, the hamster will be able to open it by pressing with his whole body. Size also matters. The owner’s hand with the animal in it should fit freely through the door.


If the hamster cage is not well ventilated, ammonia will build up in it. This substance is dangerous for rodents and causes them breathing problems. Due to poor ventilation, bacteria can multiply in the home, causing various diseases in animals. In addition, an unpleasant odor will emanate from the house itself. To avoid these troubles, it is better to buy a dwelling made of metal rods, with maximum ventilation from all sides. Glass aquariums and plastic structures are not very well ventilated.

Ease of use and cleaning

You should choose a product that is very easy to clean, because hamsters leave behind a large amount of garbage, which ends up not only in the tray, but also on the walls and accessories. A plastic house or aquarium will have to be cleaned more often than a metal one. You need to choose an option that can be easily disassembled into its main components. Plastic structures are more difficult to clean because they have many hard-to-reach corners and can be broken during disassembly. The best option is a product made of metal gratings.

Required Tools

All the materials needed for manufacturing are available in almost every home.

You may need:

  • a clean plastic container with a tight-fitting lid, size 30x30 cm;
  • large 10 liter water bottle;
  • wooden box;
  • wire mesh;
  • nuts, bolts and washers to attach the mesh to the cover;
  • wooden slats;
  • wooden panel materials;
  • long piece of wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • drill and drill bits size 11/64;
  • utility knife with a sharp blade;
  • saw;
  • marker;
  • roulette.

Important! Whatever cage you choose, make sure there are no jagged edges that could hurt your hamster and that you have covered all possible escape routes.

The best inexpensive cages for hamsters under 2000 rubles

Darell Terry-1 ECO

The Darell Terry-1 ECO cage is one of the cheapest models in our rating of the best cages for hamsters. The overall dimensions are small - 37x26x18 cm, which makes the design optimally suitable for installation on a table. The cage itself is lattice, and the lattice is made of ordinary steel, painted with powder paint. All the necessary accessories for your pet can be easily attached to the horizontally located rods, and the hamster can easily climb on them.

To increase the internal space, there is a second floor, where the animal can climb up a ladder. It is recommended to cover the shelf with a piece of plywood or plexiglass so that the hamster’s paws do not get stuck there. The cage comes complete with a house, a wheel, and a hinged door equipped with a very tight spring. It is located on the roof of the cage, so the pet is unlikely to be able to open it. Users note the reliability and durability of the design.

Average price: 780 rub.


  • Cheap products;
  • The bars of the cage are located horizontally - the hamster can climb on them;
  • The door is quite tight, located on the roof of the cage - the animal is unlikely to be able to get out through it.


  • The second tier is made of lattice, so your pet’s paws can get stuck between the bars;
  • Not suitable for Syrian hamster.

8 N1 DKg187

A large cage with comfortable accessories for a hamster's life. The size of this dwelling is 23x25.7x30 cm. Average size, but the space is increased due to the two-tier system. So you can put even a large hamster in the cage. The cage has a feeder, an automatic waterer, a wheel, a shelf with a house and a screw descent. The pet will be able to rush from floor to floor to complete its daily quota.

The cage is collapsible for easy cleaning and transportation. One of its features is a sliding door. Thanks to a special locking mechanism, the hamster will not be able to open it, just like the animals outside. And it will not swing open when carried. In addition, the cage is simply stylish and will decorate the space.

Average price: 960 rub.


  • The internal space is quite enough even for a comfortable life for a large hamster;
  • Long service life;
  • Acceptable cost of the house;
  • Expanded cage configuration;
  • Reliable locking mechanism;
  • Collapsible design.


  • Not so easy to find in pet stores

Triol Studio

It features an optimal price-quality ratio, as well as an unusual form factor. The cage is made in the form of a suitcase with a handle. The product has compact overall dimensions, so it is optimally suited for placement on a table - 33x21x23 cm. The product comes with an automatic drinker, a feeder, a pipe that acts as a tunnel, a wheel and a house. The bars in the cage are located horizontally, you can easily place various additional accessories on them, the side walls are made of fairly durable plastic with a streamlined shape - the animal will not be able to chew through it.

At first glance, it may seem that there is not enough free space here, but the house and labyrinths fully compensate for the lack of space. The door is very wide - it is convenient to pour food through it or take out the pet if, for example, the cage needs to be cleaned or disinfected. The bottom can be detached.

Average price 2000 rub.


  • Optimal price-quality ratio;
  • Compact overall dimensions;
  • Wide door;
  • Reliable locks.


  • Manufactured in one single color scheme.

Important Warnings

If your hamster squeaks or hisses, it means he is excited or scared. If this type of behavior occurs, the animal should be left alone.

It is worth protecting your pet from any items containing harmful impregnations, flavors and dyes. This is due to the habit of rodents to taste almost all surrounding objects.

You can only let your hamster go for a walk on the floor. Its natural habitat is plains. Animals often fall from vertical surfaces, which leads to injuries and fractures, so you should not leave your pet on a table or chair.

The best cages for hamsters from 2000 to 4000 rubles

ZOLUX Rody Mini

Tabletop cage made of metal and plastic measuring 21x18x33 cm. The set includes: a 75 ml bottle, a wheel, a feeder, two flat plugs and a wheel. Additional accessories can be placed on the horizontal rods. The stylish design of the cage will decorate the room. Through the transparent walls it is easy to observe the hamster.

A plastic fence will protect the space around the cage from sawdust, and you from unnecessary cleaning. The hamster will not be able to chew through it, since it is durable and has a streamlined shape. This small cage is suitable mainly for dwarf hamsters due to its small size. But they also need to move a lot. You can hang exercise equipment on the rods inside, and then your pet rodent can entertain itself.

Average price: 2152 rub.


  • Original appearance;
  • Compact overall dimensions;
  • High quality materials;
  • It is possible to install additional accessories;
  • Quite a decent package.


  • Suitable for dwarf breed hamsters only;
  • Decent price.

Triol Monstropolis

It has a unique shape and color scheme, which is stylized in the spirit of the cartoon “Monsters University”. Hamsters are very active animals, so such a cage will be very suitable for them, and it has optimal dimensions - 36x26x45 cm. The flooring system here is multi-level, so the internal usable area is significantly increased. A minimum set of accessories for the animal is included in the kit, and there are also tunnels, shelves and a house with a transparent roof through which it is easy to observe the animal.

Products are made from high-quality plastic and reliable metal. If desired, it can be completely disassembled. The door is located on one side and is locked securely - animals cannot open it from the outside or from the inside, including domestic predators.

Average price: 2600 rub.


  • Excellent workmanship and assembly quality;
  • Perfect for a first pet - the cage can be given to a child along with a hamster;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Absolutely collapsible;
  • Not too expensive.


  • No.

Savic Spelos XL Metro

Belgian products have a very original design style. The design of the product is unique: the cage is made in the form of a two-tier box made of food-grade plastic. On the second level there is a shaped shelf with holes for placing a feeder, drinking bowl and wheels - all these accessories are supplied in the kit. There is also a tunnel made of transparent plastic leading outside. The ventilation system is represented by a lattice door located on the roof of the cage. There is only 7 mm between the bars - this distance will not allow even a dwarf hamster to get out.

In general, a Syrian hamster will feel quite comfortable in this house, since its size is 59x37x26 cm. All parts can be removed and washed if necessary. The box itself looks very modern, the bottom is high - sawdust or other filler will not spill out.

Average price 3500 rub.


  • Stylish appearance;
  • Well-designed fresh air access system;
  • Even a large hamster can live in a cage;
  • High pallet walls.


  • No.


A very spacious three-story model with a very rich set of equipment. The domestically made device is equipped with a deep lift, which prevents the pet from throwing litter left and right. The cage is very easy to carry - it has a plastic handle for this purpose. The rods are made of stainless steel and are positioned vertically - the animal will not be able to climb on them.

However, there is plenty of space for activity here. The overall dimensions of the product are 45x33x45 cm. The design includes a pet-friendly spiral staircase, which first leads to the second floor, and then to the third. The latter is presented in the form of a small shelf where a house shaped like a hamster’s head is located. The set also includes a wheel, a feeder and an automatic drinker.

Average price: 3800 rub.


  • Large selection of colors;
  • Dimensions suitable for one or two animals;
  • High pallet sides.


  • Animals cannot climb the vertical bars of the lattice; accessories cannot be attached to them.

The best cages for hamsters from 4000 rubles

Ferplast Dragster

Children will love this cage. It is made in the shape of a car and is divided into 2 levels by a plastic partition. The Ferplast Dragster hamster housing has everything you need - a feeder, a house, a wheel. There are holes for connecting additional modules. This unusual cage is designed specifically for children. Ferplast Dragster cage dimensions 50x35x25 cm

Average price: 4000 rub.


  • Contains feeder, house, wheel


  • No.

Credo 513B

In third place in our ranking of the best cages for hamsters is a domestically produced two-tier cage. It has dimensions of 47x30x37 cm, so it will be comfortable for hamsters of all sizes to live in. The design inside is very spacious and has increased strength. The tray is quite deep, made of reliable plastic - it will not break even if dropped from a height, and the hamster will not be able to chew through it. Cleaning the cage from litter is also very simple. There is a handle at the top so it can be used as a carry bag. The door here is of a sliding type, the hamster will not be able to open it.

In addition to significant interior space, it is quite comfortably furnished inside. In addition to the standard wheels, automatic drinker and feeder, there is a shelf to which a ladder leads. A house for the animal is installed on it, and there is a tunnel. The hamster can run pretty fast there. The bars do not rattle at all, so the cage can even be placed in the bedroom.

Average price: 4350 rub.


  • Increased product range;
  • The rods do not rattle under the hamster's claws;
  • Sliding door;
  • There is a carrying handle on the roof;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Suitable for hamsters of any breed.


  • It is better to immediately purchase a new automatic waterer, since the complete one does not work very reliably, and the hamster may suffer from thirst.

Inter-Zoo G-020 TEDDY II

Our leader was one of the tallest models that can only be found in domestic pet stores. The bottom dimensions are quite standard - 37x25 cm, but the height is 51 cm. Using this constructive approach, you can place a huge number of different useful accessories for your pet inside. Due to an active lifestyle, the hamster will remain healthy for a long time. He can freely climb the bars of the cage. There are convenient stairs and spiral tunnels between the floors.

The cage is very reliable and absolutely safe for your pet. The spaces between the rods are narrow, but the shelves are also lattice, so they need to be covered with plywood, cardboard or plexiglass. The tray is very deep and easy to remove and clean. It is convenient to clean the floors of the cage due to separate doors.

Average price: 4500 rub.


  • Spacious cage;
  • High quality workmanship;
  • A small distance between the bars will not allow the pet to get out of the cage.


  • Not detected.

Ferplast Criceti

This is one of the most spacious single-story cages that can be found on the domestic market. The height of its walls is decent - as much as 23 cm, and the bottom area is 51.5x31 cm. A small second tier is still present, but even the Syrian hamster will be quite satisfied with the first one. The cage's equipment is quite standard - it comes with a feeder, a wheel, a small house and an original drinking bowl, which will give water to the pet only if it needs it.

The bars of the cage are located horizontally - it is convenient to attach additional elements for the pet to them, and the animal itself will happily climb them, which is important, because hamsters are very mobile animals. The tray here is very deep, the hinged door is located on the roof of the structure.

Average price: 6700 rub.


  • Large interior space;
  • Quite affordable price;
  • The filler will not spill over the floor or table;
  • The rods are arranged horizontally.


  • Needs free space;
  • The tray is made of thin plastic.

Savic Geneva A5068

This is one of the best housing models for animals. Its dimensions are 60x29x44 cm. This two-story cage for hamsters is equipped with everything necessary: ​​the set includes a drinking bowl, a feeder, and a wheel for games. The upper and lower floors are connected by a staircase along which the hamster can run and climb. It is easy to change the filling in the cage - the tray slides out without causing disturbance to the animal.

A variety of colors will allow you to fit the hamster’s housing into the interior of the room: there are pink, black, and blue models. Cage size Savic Geneva A5068 60x29x44 cm

Average price: 7108 rub.


  • The cage is made with high quality;
  • Covered lower floor, garbage does not fly outside;
  • Closes securely.


  • none.

Construction Materials

In general, you can build a home for your furry friend from anything. The main thing is that the materials used are safe. The following materials are used to create a cottage and furniture:

  • wood or plywood;
  • cardboard, durable paper;
  • plastic;
  • natural materials.

To fasten the parts together, you will need a stapler, PVA, wood glue, and thick wire.

Advice. Use glue as a last resort, after first making sure that it is non-toxic!

If your project is to build a homemade cage for a hamster, then you won’t be able to get away with just wire. Here you will already need nails, screws, a hammer, a screwdriver or a screwdriver.

How to set up a hamster cage

The contents of a home are no less important than the size and quality of workmanship. A hamster will need various accessories in its house. You definitely need to set up a house for the animal. You can use a flower pot with a hole in the bottom or another suitable object for this purpose. It is preferable to buy an inexpensive hamster cage with a ready-made house for your pet at a pet store. It is better to choose one with a plastic one, which is convenient to disassemble for cleaning. The remaining accessories will be discussed in detail below.

Drinker and feeder

To feed the hamster you will need two bowls. You will put dry food in one, and wet food in the second. It is best if they are ceramic. Products made from such material are difficult for animals to turn over because they are heavy. A drinking bowl with a nipple or nipple is a must. Make sure that the product you choose does not leak. It is better not to place an open bowl of water, because the hamster will constantly turn it over and cover it with sawdust.

running wheel

A hamster must have this attribute. Wheels come in metal and plastic. The first option is more durable. A hamster can chew on a plastic wheel, but it makes less noise when moving. When choosing an accessory, pay attention to the distance between the rods. If the gaps are too large, the hamster may fall through them and seriously injure his limbs. The best option is a solid plastic wheel. The diameter of the product for a Djungarian or Chinese dwarf hamster should be 20 cm, and for a Syrian hamster – 30 cm.

Toys and goodies

The rodent will need treats and entertainment. Without them, the animal will be too bored. With a lack of mobility, hamsters can develop various diseases, the most common of which is obesity. . Toys and treats cannot be called mandatory, but they will cheer up your pet and he will always have something to do. What you can buy:

  1. Teeth sharpener. It's better to spend money on this item because a hamster is a rodent. You can put a mineral stone or special chewing tablets, which are sold in pet stores, in his house. Small branches of fruit trees are also suitable. Having a sharpener reduces the risk of your pet chewing on grill bars or plastic accessories.
  2. A container with sand or a closed bath for rodents. While floundering there, your pet cleans its fur. Please note that you cannot bathe an animal in water, so you cannot do without a bathing suit.
  3. Delicacy. This is a stick on which various dried fruits, herbs, grains and other goodies are glued. The product is equipped with a mount, so it can be easily hung from the wall or ceiling of the structure. Such an item is necessary not only to please the hamster, but also to ensure access to his body of the necessary vitamins and microelements that he receives while living in his natural environment.
  4. Entertainment. To prevent your hamster from getting bored, purchase tunnels, ladders, slides, and pipes for him. They should be comfortable and durable. When choosing tunnels, consider the breed of your hamster. The Syrians will need large-diameter products in which they will definitely not get stuck or suffocate. You can make some entertainment yourself.


This role can be performed by sawdust or soft paper. The first option is preferable. Sawdust absorbs moisture better than paper and other fillers and absorbs odors. However, they make some rodents sneeze. When laying sawdust, observe your pet's reaction. If he begins to behave strangely and has allergic reactions, remove them and put down toilet paper. Do not use newspapers as bedding because they contain lead that is harmful to your pet's health.

It is not recommended to buy litter for cat litter boxes. They are made from different materials, but all are too hard. Cat litter can damage your hamster's paws and introduce an infection into the body. A special filler in the form of small wood shavings, which is sold in pet stores, is best suited. It does not generate dust and is inexpensive. Such shavings are soft; if a hamster accidentally falls on it, it will not be injured. It should be poured in a layer of at least 6 cm.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Syrian hamsters are most susceptible to:

  • obesity;
  • boils;
  • skin diseases;
  • dental problems;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • herpes;
  • infections caused by Escherichia coli;
  • infestation with fleas and other external and internal parasites;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • eye problems, including conjunctivitis;
  • false rabies, or Aujeszky's disease;
  • injuries.

Disease prevention measures:

  • provide the animal with sufficient space for play and activity;
  • avoid stress and nervous shock;
  • protect your pet from contact with other animals;
  • provide the hamster with healthy sleep and proper daily routine;
  • monitor the quality and freshness of water and feed;
  • Clean the cage regularly;
  • keep the feeder, drinking bowl, and animal house at the maximum distance from the toilet;
  • do not allow the hamster to come into contact with chemicals, medications and other potentially hazardous substances;
  • Monitor the animal during walks to avoid injury.

The easiest way to identify the disease is by external signs: wounds, ulcers, inflammation, accumulation of pus near the eyes and nose, bald patches or scratches, dirty or wet fur.

Drastic changes in the animal’s behavior also indicate health problems: unmotivated aggression, apathy, fearfulness. The presence of loose or too hard stools with a strong odor and unusual color indicates problems with digestion.

If these symptoms appear, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. He will diagnose and prescribe treatment. It is not recommended to select medications for your pet on your own, as this can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Useful tips

When buying a cage for such a pet, consider the recommendations below:

  1. The large dimensions of the base of the cage are much more important for the Syrian than the number of floors in it.
  2. In too small a room, the hamster becomes inactive, which increases the risk of obesity and physical inactivity. Such a rodent will not live long and will hardly reach the age of one and a half years. When kept in a spacious room, a Syrian hamster can live 2-3 years.
  3. If you decide to use a multi-level structure, then the optimal distance between floors should be at least 30 cm.
  4. The door should be wide enough so that you can easily remove your pet.
  5. The bottom must be plastic. The slatted bottom is not suitable for this pet - there is a high risk of injury to the paws. In addition, the plastic bottom is easy to clean.
  6. As for weaving the cage, for such a large animal you can use structures with a weaving frequency of 0.5-1 cm. For young animals, it is recommended to use a cage in which the distance between the rods is no more than 0.5 cm.
  7. Considering that hamsters constantly chew on bars to wear down their teeth, choose a design with unpainted stainless steel partitions.
  8. And the last piece of advice - try to keep the cage clean, do timely cleaning. Keeping it clean will keep your Syrian hamster not only attractive but also healthy.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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