Step-by-step instructions on how to accustom a Djungarian or Syrian hamster to your hands

  • We accustom the fluffy to hands
      Treat your pet with something tasty
  • Feed your hamster outside the cage
  • Teach you to eat from your hand
  • Hamsters and children
  • All hamsters are naturally cowardly. Domestic rodents are afraid of people and everything unfamiliar: new surroundings, sounds, smells. At first they are afraid of their owners. What to do if the fluffy runs into the house as soon as he senses the approach of a person? How to establish contact with a funny animal? We have collected useful recommendations for you, from which you will learn how to tame a hamster and become his friend.

    What does domesticating a rodent look like?

    Taming a hamster at home takes place in several stages. The most important of them is creating comfortable conditions for the animal. The main thing is not to rush, so as not to traumatize the animal’s psyche.

    Creating comfortable living conditions for your pet

    To gain your hamster's trust and increase its lifespan, you need to give it a spacious, clean cage. The floor is covered with a special underlay, which is updated daily. Additionally, they buy toys for the rodent.

    It is important to provide your hamster with access to fresh water and good quality feeding.

    The animal only needs 20 g of food per day (vegetables, meat, grain) - this amount is divided into 2 servings. Sometimes the pet is pampered with treats. It is also necessary to ensure that no one disturbs the animal during daytime sleep.

    The period of adaptation to a new home

    For adaptation to be effective, you need to place the cage in a quiet place. However, it should not be completely isolated - the animal needs to hear the owner’s voice in order to get used to it. It will take your hamster about a week to get comfortable.

    The owner is recommended to spend 30-40 minutes a day near the cage - then the animal will be tamed faster.

    At this time, you should not make loud noises or try to pull your pet out. Soon he will get used to the owner and will be able to treat him without fear.

    Gradually accustoming a hamster to a voice

    While near the cage, you need to talk to the hamster. This is done in a gentle tone, preferably during feeding, so that the rodent associates the owner’s voice with the pleasure of eating. Over time, the pet will remember it and will be able to distinguish it from the voices of other people.

    Hand feeding with treats

    When the owner understands that the pet is accustomed to its new home, you can try to hand feed the hamster. First, treats are given through the bars of the cage, then the palm with the treat is inserted inside, placing the food on the fingertips. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.

    When feeding, it is important not to move your hand so as not to scare the animal. If the rodent refuses to leave the hole, you can put sawdust on your palm - this will mask the odors.

    If a hamster takes food from your hands, this is the highest degree of trust.

    Gentle touches

    If the animal runs up to your hand without fear and takes a treat, you can try to gently pet the pet. This should be done carefully and slowly, with one finger. You should not roughly grab the hamster - touches should be light and weightless.

    Feeding a hamster outside the cage

    While the rodent is walking around the apartment, you should try to feed it outside the cage. To do this, place a treat in the center of the palm and patiently wait for the curious animal to come closer. To eat food, the hamster will have to climb all the way onto your hand.

    Attempts to be picked up without food

    When the pet stops running away from the owner, you can try to pick it up without using food as bait.

    How to tame a hamster:

    1. You need to stick your palm inside the cage. There is no need to put treats in your palm.
    2. When the animal climbs onto your hand, carefully pull the pet out.

    If the animal is afraid, you must immediately return it back to the cage. You can try to calm your pet by bringing it to your chest - when you hear the heartbeat, the rodent will stop being nervous.

    First hold the hamster in your hands, and then you can play with it.

    Let's get to know each other better

    The pet has gotten used to its new home, it’s time to get used to its owners. The time for getting to know each other must be considered, taking into account the daily activity of the animal. Djungarian and Syrian hamsters are crepuscular animals. Don't bother the fluffies during the day, it will only scare them

    What can you do to prevent your hamster from being afraid of its owner? There are several points worth paying attention to

    Master's voice

    At the first stage of acquaintance, you should establish verbal contact with the hamster. He must remember the sound of your voice and get used to it. Talk to the homa calmly and affectionately. Choose a beautiful name and repeat it often

    It is especially important to talk to a funny animal while feeding. Then he will begin to associate your voice with the pleasure he receives from goodies.

    Tactile contact

    Touch is very important in the friendship between owners and pets. Before you think about how to tame a dzhungarika, you need to establish basic body contact. This rule also applies to rodents of other breeds (Syrian, Caucasian, Angora). Hamsters are mistrustful animals; they won’t let just anyone pet them. You need to make sure that the animal trusts you.

    The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. You can start by simply placing your hand in the cage. Khoma remembers that these hands usually bring him goodies, so he may become interested and come up to sniff. Let the animal walk around your hand and examine it. At this stage, he may even be tempted to lick his finger - this will be your small victory!
    2. After some time, you can begin to move your hand in the cage. Bend, straighten your fingers, and turn your hand slowly and smoothly. This way the hamster will understand that you do not want to scare him or cause harm.
    3. Once your furry dog ​​has become accustomed to feeling safe in your presence, try lightly petting the rodent with one finger. If the animal doesn’t mind, you can touch its nose. But you shouldn’t fiddle with your ears!

    Tactile contact has been established, it’s time to think about how to tame a Djungarian or Syrian hamster.

    How to properly pick up a rodent

    Before paying attention to your pet, you need to wash your hands with soap to eliminate extraneous odors. Considering the small size of the pet, you should handle it carefully, otherwise you may harm the animal.

    How to tame a hamster:

    1. Bring your palm to the cage and let it smell.
    2. Pet the rodent. If he doesn’t get scared and doesn’t run away, you need to stretch out your hand and wait for the pet to climb on it. If you try to grab the animal from the back, it may bite.
    3. Pull the animal out of the cage, holding it with your other hand. Hamsters often get injured when falling from heights, so it is important to prevent this from happening.

    What to do if the animal bites

    If your pet is aggressive, you need to find out the reasons for this behavior. There may be several of them.

    1. Hamsters see poorly, trust their sense of smell more and try everything by heart. For them, the finger is a new food, they need to try it. This usually affects young animals. This will pass after getting to know each other better.
    2. Sometimes your hands smell like food or something else that the rodent thinks is edible. For example, the fruity smell of soap or hand cream.
    3. If the hamster is not given in hand, he fears for his life and bites in self-defense.
    4. The reason may simply be excessive anxiety. Something could have scared the baby. If he bites, this is not a sign of aggression. Maybe he’s just playing and biting lightly “out of excess feelings.”
    5. The female may become aggressive during pregnancy. This is completely natural behavior, since she is already preparing to protect future offspring. Try not to worry or bother her again. All activities and hand training will have to be stopped for a while.

    How long does it take for hamsters to form attachments?

    The adaptation period lasts from 4 to 8 days, and the formation of attachment to the owner can take from a couple of weeks to several months. You cannot force events - the animal must learn to trust the owner.

    If the animal is fussing and nervous, this indicates that it is afraid of humans.

    It is believed that males are easier to train and tame. Girls are more obstinate and timid, and boys are calm and affectionate.

    The hamster must be handled voluntarily and should not be grabbed roughly.

    Djungarian hamster

    Dzungarian (Russian dwarf) hamsters are tiny animals ranging from 7 to 9 centimeters long. The traditional color is shades of reddish-brown and almost black in the form of a bright stripe on the back. But, in addition to natural, there are three more decorative colors: pearl (white with a gray stripe on the back), tangerine (red) and sapphire (gray-white).

    Djungarian hamsters are very social and when kept, they definitely need company. These small furry animals can exist with members of the same sex and the opposite sex. But with the latter, of course, they quickly begin to reproduce, starting from a very young age.

    Another name for the Djungarian hamster is “white Russian dwarf hamster”, since it has the peculiarity of changing the color of its coat from gray-brown to white with the onset of winter. But when kept in captivity this happens extremely rarely. Life cycle - 2-2.5 years.

    Djungarian hamster (Russian dwarf hamster). AlexEames

    Features of accustoming different species to hands

    When buying a hamster, you should pay attention to its breed, since the duration of hand training depends on this.


    “Dzhungariki” are considered the calmest and friendliest, so they easily make contact and quickly get used to the owner. They are more intelligent and intelligent than other species, which makes the training process easier.

    Dzungarik in your warm palm shows curiosity about surrounding objects.


    Syrian hamsters are slow and large in size. The taming process takes longer, but with a good attitude, the pet will willingly go into your arms.

    Other types

    Campbell's and Roborovsky's hamsters, unlike the "Djungarians" and "Syrians", have a difficult temperament and can be aggressive. You will have to be patient with them, as they are difficult to tame.

    Prohibited actions during taming

    When accustoming your hamster to your hands, you should not do the following:

    • lift the animal by the scruff of the neck;
    • approach the pet from behind or from the side and immediately grab it. The pet must see that the owner is nearby;
    • forcibly restrain the hamster if it breaks free and wants to escape;
    • wake the animal when it is fast asleep;
    • do training in the first half of the day, when the pet is lethargic and sleepy. It is better to do this in the evening when the hamster is active;
    • pet your pet on the head;
    • make sudden movements, scream and otherwise frighten the rodent;
    • scold the hamster, punish, for example, deprive him of treats.

    Note! The easiest way to train a hamster to be handled is at an early age. It is better to adopt a pet before it is 2 months old. Already matured animals have difficulty adapting and are difficult to handle. More problems occur with them, and training is significantly delayed.

    More often, pet lovers are interested in how to accustom a dwarf to being handled. These miniature pets with a dark stripe on their back are very popular. They are friendly, active, and easy to care for. With caring owners, Djungarian hamsters can live 4 years or even more, whereas in the natural environment they die after 2.5-3 years.

    Satisfied adult hamster, trained to be handled

    It is known that boys get used to people faster, girls are much more difficult to tame. It is also recommended to take this into account when choosing an animal.

    You need to tame the hamster gradually, do not rush the pet, do not put pressure on it. In his natural environment, he encounters a large number of enemies and constantly runs away from them. It is not surprising that the animal is wary of new owners. They must earn his trust and prove that they want to take care of him and do everything to make the pet feel comfortable.

    Should a small child be trusted with a hamster?

    If handled carelessly, it is easy for a pet to be injured and mutilated, so it is important to explain to children how to properly interact with a pet:

    1. Do not pick up when adults are not present.
    2. You cannot wave your arms, shout, or hit the animal.
    3. Do not punish the animal for wrongdoing.
    4. If a rodent goes into your palm, you need to hold it carefully so as not to crush it.

    Small children can only play with animals under the supervision of their parents. If a child is already an adult and wants to take care of a pet on his own, you need to make sure that he is able to do this.

    It is better not to leave small children alone with a hamster.

    Training rules

    Training hamsters takes time and to do it right, you need to know a few basic rules. The first and most important rule is to never put a collar or leash on an animal. A few basic rules that must be followed during training are presented below.

    1. Rodents hate noise, which is why it must be avoided completely. The learning process itself should be calm and quiet, but sharp sounds will frighten him and then the animal will not want to work with you.
    2. Of course, if the hamster does not lend itself to training, but under no circumstances should he be punished. Firstly, you may accidentally harm the rodent, and secondly, it may be very offended and then even a tasty treat will not save the situation.
    3. Also, training hamsters requires patience. You can't force an animal if it doesn't want to. When the hamster resists, there is no need to push him or force him to do something. He, just like you, may feel bad, so if an animal says “no” with its behavior, it means no.
    4. When you are working with an animal, no one should be around. If you work out with him, then all training and activities should be only one on one. And also, only one person should work with the animal; under no circumstances should the “trainer” change. The only one who can be around is your child, but you must ask him to be quiet.

    These are just the basic rules that must be followed. But there are other training recommendations that should also be followed.

    Start of preparation

    Before you start working with an animal, you must understand that you cannot expect quick results. Therefore, there is no point in demanding great results from the hamster even after several weeks of training. When you teach him, always call him by his name and only that.

    When you teach an animal some tricks, you need to say the name of the trick several times. If it’s “give me a paw,” then before teaching the animal you will need to say it 4 times.

    It is necessary to speak quietly and gently so that the rodent does not get scared. You need to train every day so that the animal does not forget anything. You only have 6-8 weeks for training, then it will be difficult to teach the animal anything. There should always be a treat and remember that you can’t teach your hamster hard tricks right away, everything should be done gradually, from small to large.

    When can you start training your hamster?

    If the rodent completely trusts the owner, you can begin training. Young individuals are more receptive to learning, and hamsters older than 3 months have already formed character and habits.


    Classes are held in the evening - at this time the animal demonstrates the greatest activity. It is important that your pet is slightly hungry, otherwise he may ignore treats that are used as rewards.

    Before class, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and make sure that the animal is ready to play. You cannot train a lethargic, sleepy or frightened animal.


    You should start with simple tricks, for example, teaching your pet the “run” command. To do this, you need to take a treat and bring it to the hamster’s nose, clearly say “run” and move your hand along a random path.

    When the rodent runs 1 or 2 laps, it is fed a treat and the process is repeated. With regular training, the hamster will soon remember the trick and will perform it without treats. In the same way, you can teach the animal other commands.

    Advanced maneuvers

    Weight lifting

    Obviously, rodents should not lift heavy objects. But to create the effect of heaviness, you can make a barbell from foods that hamsters like to chew: carrots, cucumbers, apples, etc. A block is made from an oblong object; salty or sweet sticks can be used as this. Cookies can serve as mini pancakes for your attribute. When the pet sees the “barbell”, he will certainly want to chew on it, to do this he will lift it and a picture of an athlete with a lifted load will be created.

    Pirate and parrot

    To create the ambience of a pet sitting on the owner’s shoulder, follow the following instructions:

    1. Place your pet in your palm.
    2. Bend your elbow slightly and move it away from your body so that the rise is not too steep.
    3. Lure your pet to your shoulder with sweets and let your hamster eat it.
    4. Practice each step repeatedly with your pet.
    5. When the animal understands what the point is, stop luring the hamster with goodies. Instead, just give him a sniff of the food and immediately place the treat on his shoulder.

    Soon your little friend will begin to willingly come running on your shoulder even in the absence of sweets.

    Jumping through a hoop

    If you want to see your animal jump over obstacles, then use a small hoop for this. The diameter of the circle must be at least 7 cm so that the hamster does not get stuck in it.

    1. Place the hoop between the animal and a piece of food.
    2. Keep the circle not too high above the floor (about 1 cm), otherwise the pet will run under it.
    3. Repeat the exercise several times until your pet can do it without a treat.


    1. Make a simple design from two disposable cups and toothpicks.
    2. Place a treat outside the barrier and say: “Barrier!”
    3. To get a tasty morsel, the fluffy will have to overcome an obstacle.
    4. After several strengthening of the skill, the animal will be able to jump over the barrier itself after a command.

    Unpleasant moments of taming hamsters

    During the taming process, the hamster may become aggressive, bite the owner, or get sick. You need to be prepared for difficulties and know how to cope with them.

    The rodent constantly bites

    If an animal attacks its owner, the reasons for this behavior are:

    • curiosity;
    • foreign and pungent odors;
    • defensive reaction.

    You need to pay attention to the nature of the bites. Affectionate and gentle indicate the animal's readiness to play. Strong and aggressive signals about the pet's fear. Pregnant and lactating females can also show aggression - in this case, it is necessary to interrupt physical contact with the animal.

    Doesn't eat or drink

    If a rodent refuses water and food, this is a sign of severe stress or illness. It is necessary to show your pet to a veterinarian to exclude the possibility of developing the disease. If there are no health problems, you should leave the animal alone so that it can calm down and adapt to its environment.

    The hamster is very afraid of humans

    Strong fear can be caused by sudden movements, physical violence, or attempts to pull the animal out of the house. It is necessary to identify the cause of fear and eliminate it. Frequent feeding with treats and providing a calm and comfortable environment will help restore your pet's trust.

    Possible problems

    Taming an animal is always challenging, but it's important to know what to expect and how to handle it.

    Taming difficultiesHow to overcome
    AggressionIf the rodent continues to bite, it means that it is not yet accustomed to human society. You need to let him adapt for 2 weeks. And then start parenting again. Perhaps the hamster bit because your hands smell like food - you should wash them or wear gloves before interacting with your pet
    DiseasesIf the fur around the tail is dirty, it means the pet is suffering from diarrhea. In this case, you should immediately take the animal to a veterinary hospital. If the eyeball bulges noticeably, it is a sign of infection or injury. A doctor will again help you cope with the problem.
    FightsThese rodents are territorial animals and will not tolerate proximity to their relatives. In a duel, the strongest can even kill the enemy. In this case, the fighters are seated in different cells. Only the Russian hamster and Roborovsky coexist peacefully. Syrians can be called fighters.

    Taming a hamster is not an easy task. It will require a lot of time and patience, but in the end the pupil will be easier to train and delight the owner and family members with tricks.

    The main thing is not to rush and understand that the animal’s mental and physical health depends on its comfort.

    Caring for a Syrian hamster at home

    “Syrians” become unpretentious animals at home. All they need is a nutritious diet and constant care. Taking care of Syrian animals is quite simple. The main responsibilities of the owner: clean the cage in a timely manner, supply clean drinking water and food once a day. Sometimes an animal can be let out of its house to run around the apartment, but only if it is accustomed to being handled and is not afraid of people. If you follow all the rules, your pet will not cause much trouble.

    What to feed a hamster?

    Nutrition is the main basis for caring for animals. The diet should be fortified and complete. The Syrian hamster can eat:

    • food consisting of grains, pressed grass and a small amount of dried fruits and seeds. It is worth pouring 1-2 tablespoons into a plate every day;
    • fresh vegetables and fruits are included in the daily diet, you only need to add a little - 10-20 grams. Syrian hamsters love apples, cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, grapes and other berries. A large amount of these products can ruin digestion and cause discomfort in the animal;
    • Give your pet 1 teaspoon of yogurt or milk daily as a source of calcium and protein.

    The owner of the animal should know the list of products that are strictly prohibited from giving to a hamster:

    • chocolate and other products with sugar;
    • oranges, tangerines, grapefruits;
    • melon:
    • green leaf salad;
    • onion and garlic;
    • eggs, meat products;
    • fish fat;
    • salty foods: chips, snacks and more.

    It is important to establish a feeding schedule

    How many times a day should I feed?

    As a rule, hamsters are nocturnal and sleep during the day. That is why it is better to give all measles in the evening and in the morning. In the evening hours, feed should be given many times more than the morning portion.

    In order to decide how many times to fill your animal’s bowl with food and in what quantity, you should adhere to the schedule described above and look at the pet’s behavior. Feeding at regular intervals promotes excellent digestion for the animal. After some time, he will get used to this regime and will look forward to the portion allotted to him.

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    Cage or labyrinth?

    The Syrian hamster's home should be spacious. There are two options where an animal can live: a cage and a labyrinth. The most common and simple house for rodents is a cage. The minimum acceptable cage size is 30 by 40 cm, but if possible, it is worth taking a larger house. The distance between the rods should be no more than 1 cm, otherwise the pet will run away

    For the comfort of the rodent, it is important that the home has at least 2 floors: on the first floor there is a dining room and a playroom, and on the second floor there is a bedroom.

    You can also buy a labyrinth for your hamster - a house with a large number of rooms on different floors, connected by pipes. The labyrinth is a bit like a hole, so the animal will definitely like it.

    Which house to choose for the animal? Buy according to your capabilities, the main thing is that the hamster feels comfortable and spacious in it.

    Cage equipment

    In the home of a “Syrian” there must be:

    • a sleeping house made of wood or plastic;
    • a bowl made of clay or steel so that the pet cannot turn it over;
    • the drinking bowl should be in the form of hanging droppers;
    • a wheel is necessary if the animal does not have enough space to run;
    • small toys.

    Creating comfortable conditions for the hamster

    Buy a cage that already has a labyrinth that the hamster uses as a burrow or house. Manufacturers take care of the animals' entertainment and equip the enclosure with a running wheel. The cage should have a feeder and drinker.

    Be sure to read:
    Common hamster: description
    Buy a walking ball, toys, and a tray for your pet. The room should not be hot or cold, dark or too light. Place your hamster's cage where he will not be disturbed by children or cats.

    Let your hamster get comfortable

    When you bring home a new hamster, give it a week or so to become accustomed to its new home and environment before you begin to handle it.

    Make sure your hamster has a spacious cage and everything he needs for a carefree stay.

    Place the cage in a location where the hamster will be surrounded by people, but will not be disturbed by excessive noise, other pets, or other distractions (especially during the daytime when hamsters sleep most of the time).

    Do not disturb or try to touch your hamster during the day when he is sleeping.

    What do you need to know before training a hamster?

    Wash your hands with an unscented product and dry thoroughly. There should be no dirt or foreign street odors on your fingers and palms. Remember that in the first days the rodent may bite you. Don't get angry or raise your voice. Protect your pet from contact with children to avoid additional problems. Explain to your child that an animal is not a toy, but a family member with its own interests and character. Let children feed your pet only after it has become comfortable in the hands of an adult.

    A pet hamster can be made tame and not shy; for this it needs to be carefully and persistently trained

    Common commands for rodents

    Drawing figures

    This is a funny trick when a fluffy dog ​​runs after its owner's hand. In order for the animal to freely execute the command:

    1. Use your rodent's favorite treat.
    2. Train your hamster to run after your fingers that hold a treat.
    3. After some time, use your hand without food.
    4. After your pet has worked hard, give him a treat (for example, a nut).

    Standing at attention

    To teach this technique, all you need is your patience and the code word “Stop!” To make the animal stand on its hind legs, do the following:

    1. Place the hamster on a table or chair.
    2. Take a treat and place it 1-2 cm above your pet's head.
    3. Repeat the code word several times, and soon your pet will stand up on its hind legs in an attempt to get the sweetness.
    4. A few days later, repeat this exercise with the animal without bait: just raise your palm without food over its head and say the code word. When he makes a stand, give him a prize in the form of a treat.


    To teach your hamster to roll over, you will need aromatic seeds or half a peanut:

    1. Place the fluffy on a flat surface.
    2. Let him smell the treat and place it on the animal's back.
    3. The animal, in an attempt to get food, will soon roll over onto its back and then back onto its paws.
    4. This exercise must be repeated over a long period of time.

    Does your rodent know its name? Is it being responded to?

    Exit from the cage

    To teach a hamster to get out of its house on its own, you need a cage with a side door. All training is divided into two stages:

    Stage 1.

    1. Place ladders near the outside and inside of the cage.
    2. Place a treat outside at the bottom of the stairs and say, “Go for a walk!”
    3. Repeat this command until the hamster begins to climb the ladder towards the food.

    Stage 2.

    1. This time, do not place food at the bottom of the ladder.
    2. Open the cage door and say: “Go for a walk!”
    3. The animal will run out of the house, but will not find the treat.
    4. Be sure to give your fluffy a well-deserved treat!

    Running in circles

    This exercise is similar to “drawing shapes”, only your task is to lead the animal in a circle:

    1. Squeeze a treat between your fingers.
    2. Walk your hamster around with your hand.
    3. Soon you are leading the animal with you without food in your hand.
    4. At the end of the exercise, give your pet a treat.

    Remembering your nickname

    In order for your pet to quickly learn its name, you need to choose a simple nickname for it. It should be short and clear. To make the animal quickly remember it, do the following:

    • Whenever you address your furry, pronounce his name clearly.
    • Give him a treat every time.

    After some time, the pet will begin to run out to you as soon as it hears its name.

    Complex cases

    The character of an animal has a great influence on its taming. Sometimes the hamster does not want to be handled even after a month, biting or running away.

    Pet bites

    A small animal can bite for various reasons:

    1. He is constantly in a state of fear. This is usually due to the fact that his cage is in an unfortunate, too noisy place.
    2. Your hands smell like food. In this case, the pet, whose sense of smell is well developed, does not understand that fingers cannot be eaten; for him they become food.
    3. You put your hands into the animal's nest, and the hamster is a territorial animal. He may perceive this as a threat to his life.
    4. Khoma is offended by you. If you wake him up or climb into the nest, the baby may be upset about this and harbor a grudge.

    Solving these problems is not difficult: do not shout at the animal, wash your hands thoroughly after contact with food, move the cage to a more comfortable place. If the breed has developed territoriality, then contact the hamster on neutral territory, away from the cage.

    Hamster runs away

    It is not uncommon for rodents to escape as soon as the cage is left open or they are pulled out of it. This is due to the fact that life in a cozy and dark hole is embedded in their head. As soon as the animal is free in bright light, it tends to hide in a secluded corner. Your folded palms may well replace such a hole for the animal, but for this, the homa must first get used to them.

    Let the hamster move

    The best way to pick up a hamster is to place it in your palm and cover it with your other hand.

    It is best to start by lifting your hamster off your lap or some other soft surface, such as a sofa, in case the animal falls or jumps.

    As your hamster gets comfortable, allow him to crawl from one hand to the other or across your arms.

    You can continue to offer treats, although your hamster may not show much interest in the treats when there is something new to see and explore.

    Rules and features of taming

    To tame a Syrian hamster, you will have to make some effort. It is worth taking care of the rodent every day, but without intrusiveness. Adaptation usually takes from 2 to 14 days. Certain rules must be followed.

    • Give time to adapt . After purchase, the hamster is placed in a cage and left alone. The pet must get used to and explore the new space. The rodent must settle into the new territory. At first, the animal is stressed and rarely leaves the house. As soon as the Syrian hamster begins to get out of the home more often, you can begin to establish contact.
    • Do not touch the hamster while sleeping . When trying to pet or pick up a sleeping animal, the owner risks harming the pet's health. The rodent will wake up, begin to break free and bite.
    • It is better to start taming a hamster when it reaches the age of 1-2 months . At an early age, the rodent is more predisposed to contact with humans. An adult has a formed character, which will become a stumbling block during taming. Such a pet is much more difficult to win over and will require more time and effort.
    • Consider the hamster's mode . The animal is nocturnal. The best time for taming is evening. During the daytime, the pet goes to bed and rests from the hustle and bustle of the night.
    • Offer a treat . To build a trusting relationship, you need to “appease” the Syrian hamster in advance.

    Following simple rules will reduce the duration of taming to several days. The Syrian hamster will make contact faster if you do not make sudden movements that could frighten the animal.


    Keeping animals such as hamsters at home requires some attention and time. First of all, this means frequent replacement of bedding and removal of all uneaten food debris. In addition, you need to wash all the dishes every day, as well as do a general wet cleaning. It is best to place the cage away from the bedroom. In addition, it should not be exposed to sunlight, and there should be no drafts anywhere so that your beloved pet does not catch a cold.

    When cleaning the cage, your beloved pet must be transplanted to another place, for example, in a box or jar, since he does not like strangers in his home at all. There is no need to throw away all uneaten food; you should only remove food that will spoil very quickly.

    General cleaning needs to be done daily. This is necessary so that the smell of the hamster is not heard throughout the apartment. But it is correct to change the toilet once a week. However, there is no need to completely remove the filler, otherwise the dzhungarik will immediately lose its orientation.

    You also need to take care of the hamster itself. They need to be looked after with special diligence. To do this, you need to place a deep container with clean and sifted sand in the cage. He can tumble around in it with pleasure. You should not bathe the hamsters themselves in water, as this will be a real shock for the animal. They can clean themselves.

    It must be remembered that Djungarians are loners by nature. Therefore, if you decide to move them into a roommate of any gender, you first need to think carefully about everything. After all, this can lead to aggression or even a small skirmish. In addition, the hamster can become depressed and even die from this. P

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