I was bitten by a decorative rat, what should I do? How to stop your pet from biting?

Around 100,000 rat attacks on people are recorded annually around the world. Moreover, according to official statistics, only one rat bite out of 36 becomes known to health authorities and is included in these very statistics. That is, in fact, every year up to 3.5 million people around the world become victims of rat attacks, a significant part of which are children.

Perhaps the first thing to keep in mind is that if you or your child are bitten by a rat, there is no need to panic: it is not fatal, and the likelihood that a bite will cause infection with a dangerous disease, although possible, is very small. In addition, with the help of fairly simple actions, the risk of developing undesirable consequences after a rat bite can be minimized - we will talk about this in more detail below.

On a note

However, even without infection of the wound, a rat can cause serious injury with its sharp teeth. There are cases when these animals bit off a piece of a person’s ear and even broke a finger (crack in the bone). And in especially impressionable victims, a sudden rat attack can cause the development of phobias and various nervous disorders that can accompany a person for years, sometimes for the rest of his life. This is especially true for children.

So, let's see what needs to be done immediately if a rat bites, that is, literally in the first minutes after the rodent attack - the possible consequences of the bite largely depend on how correctly and quickly the appropriate actions are taken...

Do house rats bite?

These are affectionate, kind animals. They are loving, adore their owner and show a positive attitude in every possible way. However, it happens that a pet suddenly bites.

It is worth noting that the bite of a decorative rat is very painful and quite strong, reaching 500 kg per 1 cm². The bite force allows wild brethren to gnaw concrete in search of food.

As a rule, a light, warning bite follows first.

Who has a dream?

When interpreting a vision, you need to take into account who dreamed of the animal and under what circumstances. A dream about a rat bite causes panic and stupor. For families, seeing an animal that attacks and bites means quarrels, claims, separation.

When interpreting a dream, one must take into account the gender of the dreamer.

To a man

Such a dream warns a representative of the stronger half of humanity against entering into a big conflict with colleagues, which could become the collapse of all his hopes and plans.

To a woman

For a young girl, a bite portends a meeting with an old friend who will betray her in the future; unmarried - a date with a new lover who will become her husband and father of children; married - the imminent onset of a long-awaited pregnancy.

For a woman, he promises a meeting with a rival in the workplace, who weaves intrigues, spreads unflattering rumors and tries to trick her.

According to the eastern dream book, such a dream promises a woman winning the lottery and her husband’s love; a young mother is worried about her children.

Seeing yourself in the image of an aggressive and attacking rodent - the subconscious mind advises you to change internally.


To maintain good, friendly relationships, you should avoid situations in which the rat might bite.

  • The pet was hurt;
  • Scared;
  • Hungry animal;
  • The desire to attract attention.

Bites without a reason in domestic rats are practically excluded. If you squeeze an animal for a long time, then when it gets tired, it can gnaw lightly, thereby saying “enough.”

After preparing or eating food, you should also wash your hands thoroughly so that the smell of your fingers is not confused with food.

A rat may also bite another pet, such as a cat or dog. The reasons are the same - protecting one’s territory, fear, approaching danger. It happens that pets get along nicely next to each other and even play.

Any wounds sustained by pet rats should be treated, regardless of whether the bite was a human or a pet.

With a strong bite, the wound may not heal for a long time, especially in an animal when there is fur nearby, which constantly irritates the “battle wound.” Bites are painful, but by providing comfortable conditions for all family members to stay in the house, they can be avoided.

Pet's well-being

If your rat starts biting you and hasn't done so before, this may be a sign that your pet is sick and in pain.

Rats may also bite if they are stressed or in distress. A variety of circumstances can affect a rodent's behavior: a new pet, a child, or any other change that disturbs the normal home environment can cause anxiety in a rodent.

What is your rat's personality?

Despite their small size, each rat is a personality, even more so than a dog or cat. So respect her personal opinion and she will respect you.

  • Do not abuse your power as the owner; if, for example, the rat is not in the mood for a walk, do not force it out of the cage.
  • If she rejects a particular food, find a replacement.
  • Watch your rat closely to see if it only bites a specific family member or if it bites everyone equally.

If your rat is always biting someone in particular, he may be trying to be in charge. In this case, the victim must impose himself and clarify who is boss by spraying the rebellious rat with water and confirming his position in the family.

If your rat bites everyone the same way, you should consult your veterinarian to come up with a solution to the problem. A biting pet is not beneficial in itself, and it is dangerous for children.

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The rat suddenly started biting, what should I do?

If attempts to bite have not been noticed before, then a sudden change in the pet’s mood may be associated with hormonal changes. Girls' mood changes during pregnancy, and boys' mood changes during puberty. So, let's look at them separately:

  • At the age of 5-7 months, males reach sexual maturity and hormones begin to play. The pet may want to be alone more, despite the fact that he previously liked to communicate with the household inhabitants. The defense of the territory begins precisely at this moment; there is a claim to ownership.

  • Females are more likely to respond to changes in the body during pregnancy and when caring for children. This is where the maternal instinct of domestic rats manifests itself. They love their babies very much and carefully take care of them, and therefore, even with slight danger or anxiety, they can bite.

These are natural stages of growing up, which some animals experience more smoothly and gently, while others endure them quite aggressively. Do not forget that a pet can bite because of jealousy.

Parasitic diseases

Diseases caused by parasites are considered one of the most common in the world. They appear as a result of the activity of protozoa, helminths (worms), as well as lice, ticks and other similar creatures. All of these living organisms can be carried by rats and other rodents.

Methods of infection:

  • direct contact with the rat;
  • getting rodent feces into drinking water or food.

Asthma attacks

Because of rats, people suffering from this asthma may experience suffocation attacks. They occur as a result of an allergic reaction to rodent fur or waste products.

Allergic reactions

Rats, like many other animals, can cause allergies. In this case, the disease proceeds in a standard way and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. These include:

  • tearfulness;
  • sneezing;
  • rhinitis;
  • rash.

In most cases, the causative agent is rat fur. However, there are cases where the cause of an allergic reaction was urine or dry excrement of a rodent.

Exacerbation of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease that is caused by a hereditary predisposition. It is characterized by periodic redness of the skin, accompanied by severe itching. Most often, exacerbations of the problem occur when the patient comes into contact with an allergen. Rat droppings or fur act as an irritating factor.

What to do if bitten by a domestic rat?

Pay attention to your pet, maybe he wants something or is warning about something. A decorative rat will not bite on purpose to hurt. This could be anything: from a desire to attract attention to a warning.

Rats often play this way with other pets; they can run up, bite, for example, the ear and run away. Then return and repeat in a circle. Sometimes they lightly pinch with their teeth or bite them - such caresses are evidence of the pet’s great love, a manifestation of care. Scratches or abrasions may appear during play, but this is not dangerous.

Diseases spread by rodents

Diseases transmitted from rats

Scientists are finding out why rats and mice are dangerous in laboratory conditions. During the course of research, it became known that rodents transmit many dangerous diseases:

  • plague;
  • encephalitis;
  • sodoku;
  • streptobacillosis;
  • rabies;
  • typhus;
  • fever;
  • cryptosporidiosis;
  • giardiasis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • tularemia;
  • listeriosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • parasitic diseases, fungal, viral.

Rodent excrement provokes asthma attacks, the development of an allergic reaction, and exacerbation of atopic dermatitis.

A rat bitten until it bled: first aid

The wound is usually deep, very painful and has difficulty healing. In this case, the edges are quickly tightened, which prevents blood from escaping, which could have become infected.

Algorithm of actions:

  • First of all, squeeze out as much blood as possible from the wound to eliminate the presence of dirt.
  • Rinse under running water for at least 5 minutes.
  • Then treat the bite site with any antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Apply iodine or brilliant green to the wound.
  • If necessary, cover with adhesive tape.
  • Monitor your health for a few days. And do all household chores with gloves.

Wound treatment is the same for adults and children.

It is of great importance that the pet is truly domestic, vaccinated and kept in good conditions.

If a rat bites a child, be sure to talk to the child and explain how to handle the pet. The bite could occur after the animal was squeezed too hard, hurt or scared. The main thing is to explain to the child that the rat must be handled carefully and then it will not cause trouble.

Control measures

Over many years of fighting against domestic rodents, people have mastered several basic ways to combat them. They turn homes, or at least food storage facilities, into impregnable fortresses. If gray enemies do appear, then spring mousetraps and glue traps, scarers and poisoned baits are used. At the same time, it is much more difficult to catch, scare away or poison rats than mice. Therefore, people have to constantly invent new means - this is the only way to win the next round of the fight against the arrogant, toothy invaders.


  • https://sesrus.ru/chem-opasny-krysy
  • https://notklop.ru/krysy/o-krysah/chem-opasny-krysy/
  • https://krot911.ru/krysy/o-krysax/chem-krysy-opasny-dlya-cheloveka.html
  • https://apest.ru/krysy/vse-o-krysah/chem-opasny-krysy-dlya-cheloveka/
  • https://felisov.ru/uncategorized/chem-opasny-krysy.html
  • https://GdeKlop.ru/krysy/napadayut-na-lyudej/
  • https://klopam-net.ru/krysy-i-myshi/mozhet-li-krysa-napast-na-spyashhego-cheloveka.html
  • https://parazitdoma.ru/krysy-i-myshi/ukus-krysy
  • https://ProVyzhivanie.ru/pervaya-pomoshh/ukus-krysy
  • https://aif.ru/society/nature/1358516


How to stop a rat from biting?

It will take patience and desire. There are specimens that themselves do not like communication and want to be left alone. If an animal bites during play, or there is a hormonal surge, then all the miracles of diplomacy must be applied.

In the process of fighting for territory, the rat that puts its opponent on its back wins. If the pet tries to bite, you should put it on its back and hold it in this position for 20-40 seconds.

Working with a spray bottle is considered a safe way. If bitten, spray a little with water using a spray bottle. After 5-7 times the rodent will understand that it is not worth biting.

When the animal has grown up and got used to the owner, simply drive him away and not let him near, so that the rat understands that you are not inclined to communicate in such a way.

You shouldn’t hurt your pet, click him on the nose, pick him up by the tail, and especially not deprive him of food/water or take him out to the balcony in winter. Such methods are more likely to cause additional aggression, undermine health and will not lead to the desired result.

Differences between rat bites and bites of other animals

A rat bite looks like two rather deep, most often bleeding wounds, consisting of two closely spaced punctures - marks of the upper and lower incisors, respectively. It is from such a trail that one can understand that the attacking animal was a rat. It is true that it is quite difficult to distinguish a rat bite from the bite of another rodent, since they are very similar in appearance. True, the rat's teeth marks are larger.

But in general there is no special need for such a diagnosis, since bites of any rodents are equally dangerous and require similar treatment.

Can a person get sick after being bitten by a pet rat?

Despite the fact that the rodent spends its entire life completely isolated from the environment, it is capable of infecting a person through a bite. This is due to the fact that germs and bacteria from the environment can enter an open wound.

The first signs of infection:

  • Severely visible inflammation of the wound. Accompanied by redness, pain and swelling.
  • The occurrence of headache or muscle pain.
  • Temperature increase.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Some bites can be fatal to humans, especially if not treated promptly. This mainly applies to wild brothers. Animals purchased in unknown places (bird market, hand-held, uncertified pet store, etc.) can also pose a danger to humans.

What you can get infected with:

  1. Streptobacillosis - another name is Haverhill fever. The disease is dangerous because the lack of treatment in 10% of cases can lead to death. You can catch it not only from a bite, but also from kissing an animal, when cleaning a cage, or from getting a pet’s blood on a small human wound.
  2. Hemorrhagic fever—infection occurs when animal excrement or urine enters the human body. It can also cause death due to kidney damage. The initial stage is characterized by high fever, headache, hemorrhages on the mucous membrane and skin.
  3. Leptospirosis is transmitted by saliva, urine and feces, and the rat must also be previously infected. The bacteria of this disease affect the liver, kidneys, and intestines.

  4. Paratyphoid and helminths - diseases from a series of worms are dangerous not only for humans, but also for rats, they are transmitted through poor hygiene and kissing a pet.
  5. Tularemia is rare, but can occur in domestic rats; the disease is more common in wild animals and cattle. If ingested, it causes severe fever, loss of appetite, and may cause vomiting and nosebleeds. Hospitalization and treatment with antibiotics are required.

Decorative rats can become infected from bad water, stale food, or poor home hygiene. It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly after contact with the animal and clean the cage on time.

If any symptoms appear, especially inflammation of the bite and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should not take any action on your own.

Antibiotics are prescribed only by the attending doctor after identifying the disease and prescribing a course of treatment. Timely treatment will help avoid negative consequences.

Particular attention should be paid to pregnant women when in contact with animals. It doesn't matter whether it's a rat, a dog, a cat or a cow. Any animal walking in the yard or living in the apartment, one way or another, can affect the fetus of a pregnant woman.

What symptoms indicate infection?

There is a whole set of characteristic signs, upon the appearance of which a person bitten by a rat should be shown to a doctor as soon as possible.

The most common diseases that occur a few days (weeks) after rat bites are manifested by a typical fever with characteristic symptoms:

  1. Increased body temperature;
  2. Chills;
  3. Severe malaise and general weakness;
  4. Pain in the head;
  5. Digestive disorders, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain.

These are signs of most viral and bacterial fevers, leptospirosis and pseudotuberculosis. As a rule, they develop approximately a week or two after the bite, but sometimes the incubation period drags on up to a month, or, conversely, lasts only literally a few hours or a day. This, by the way, is one of the difficulties of diagnosis - often by the time symptoms appear, a person has already forgotten that he was bitten by a rat.

Here, for example, are the characteristic signs of tetanus:

  1. Acute pain at the site of the bite, even if the bite itself has long since healed (several weeks after the rat attack);
  2. Muscle twitching at the site of the bite;
  3. Tension of the chewing muscles, sometimes not allowing you to open your mouth at all;
  4. Insomnia;
  5. Excruciating back pain.

With sodoku, in addition to pain, an infiltrate with constantly leaking fluid may develop at the site of the wound. With a nonspecific local infection, a painful inflammation first appears here, and then a characteristic abscess.

It is also useful to read: The phenomenon of the rat king and interesting facts about this phenomenon

In general, there is no need to remember these symptoms. Any disturbance in the general health of the victim in the weeks following the rat attack is likely to be related to the bite itself. Moreover, the first “bell” can be not only a generalized sign, but also local manifestations - pain, itching, spontaneous muscle contractions near the wound, even if it has healed. None of them should be ignored, and if symptoms are obvious, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

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