How does pregnancy proceed and how long does pregnancy last in hamsters?

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01/26/2019 Pregnancy of hamsters will not be long in coming if individuals of different sexes live in the same house. An animal in “position” requires special care and the most caring attitude. Therefore, it is very important to understand in a timely manner that the hamster is pregnant. But recognizing the situation is only part of the story. To keep both the hamster and the babies alive, you need to know when the birth will occur, how to prepare for it and what to expect, and how to take care of the mother and her newborns.

How to determine pregnancy in a hamster?

It must be said that if the moment of mating was not noticed, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to immediately determine whether the female is pregnant. This can only be assumed by changed behavior. The following signs are possible:

  • increased excitability and aggressiveness or, conversely, complete calm and relaxation;
  • collecting materials for the nest;
  • increased appetite.

The most obvious indicator is an enlarged abdomen, but if this becomes noticeable, it means that labor is coming soon. You can also determine pregnancy by the cessation of estrus and swollen nipples.

Photo of a pregnant Syrian hamster

How long does a hamster's pregnancy last?

For different species of hamsters, the gestation period varies quite significantly. Gestation period in days:

  • Syriac – 16 – 18;
  • Dzungarian, Chinese, Campbell - 18 - 21;
  • Roborovsky – 23 – 30.

If you carefully examine Syrian hamsters a week after mating, and Djungarian hamsters after 9 days, you can feel small fruit balls in the stomach. At the same time, the nipples swell and weight begins to gain. If this does not happen, you need to look for deficiencies either in the diet or in the pet’s health.

The nuances of determining the sex of a pet

It is much easier to identify the sex of a mature hamster than of a baby. At the age of 35-40 days, the rodent’s organs are already perfectly formed; the weight of a representative of the Syrian breed is 150 g, and that of the Dzungarian breed is 50 g. During an external examination, you should pay attention to:

  • “bald patch” between the anus and urethra;
  • presence of nipples;
  • body size.

Males have a distance between the anal and urethral openings - approximately 1.5 cm. If it is absent and the vegetation in the indicated place is sparse, then the hamster is a girl.

Does pregnancy differ between species?

In the table we note what behavioral features are characteristic of different hamsters.

Aggression towards the male Nesting behavior
SyrianIt appears brightly, the female can injure or even kill the male, after mating it is necessary to place them in different cagesVery pronounced
DzungarianMaybe, but sometimes absent (manifests individually), it is recommended to separateCharacteristic
CampbellThe male can be with the female and even participate in raising the offspringPresent

Do false pregnancies occur in hamsters?

A situation is possible when all the signs are present, but labor does not occur. In this case, we can talk about a false pregnancy. This happens to hamsters. In addition, under the influence of stressful situations, the formed embryos can simply dissolve. If such failures occur in pets, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Pregnant Djungarian hamster

Treatment of offspring

It is strictly forbidden to touch the baby hamsters - if the female smells a human scent on the baby, she will refuse it. If the birth was successful and the cubs do not need artificial feeding, they can be picked up 2 weeks after birth.

The acquaintance of hamsters with their owner occurs gradually. Babies from two weeks and older begin to accustom themselves to the owner’s hands and their smell. At this age, you can visually determine the sex of the cubs. 3-week-old hamsters are already allowed to play. At this point you should also return to regular cage cleaning.

Caring for a pregnant hamster

First of all, the female needs rest during this period. As soon as it is determined that pregnancy has indeed occurred, you need to move the cage to a quiet place. It is better to replace the usual housing with a sufficiently voluminous glass container to prevent the babies from falling out through the bars in the future. It is necessary to provide the hamster with material for building a nest; this can be paper napkins without dyes.

The house must be cleaned regularly and even more thoroughly than usual, since during this period the female diligently stores food, which can spoil.

Adult Djungarian hamster

You should pick up your pet carefully and only if absolutely necessary. At the same time, you should take care to protect your hands (for example, with gloves), otherwise the hamster may scratch or bite.

Approximately 4 days before giving birth, all contact with the animal should be stopped.

Nutritional features of a pregnant hamster

In order for the female to bear and raise healthy young without being harmed, her diet must be supplemented with calcium, protein foods and vitamins. The following products should be included in the menu:

  • chicken meat;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables (beets, carrots);
  • sprouted cereal seeds;
  • greens, juicy herbs.

Of the first three listed components, one should be in the diet daily. You need to be careful with green and succulent foods so as not to cause diarrhea in your pet, but they must be included.

Little hamsters

The lack of calcium can be compensated for by adding a tablet containing this element, or simply crushed chalk, to drinking water. The same can be done with ascorbic acid.

It is better not to give perishable foods in large quantities, as the female can hide them, and this will further contribute to the development of various infections.

What to treat the kids with?

The newborn hamster's menu initially includes only hamster milk. If the female does not lose it, then the milk diet can form the basis of the cub’s diet for a whole month.

But you cannot limit feeding hamsters with mother's milk. The owner’s task is to promptly introduce baby hamsters to other foods so that they develop normally and can eat well in the future.

Additional complementary feeding begins with fermented milk. Then the hamsters are fed porridge with yogurt. From 9 days old, the hamster should be given greens, grains, vegetables and fruits to try.

Correct introduction of new “adult” food will allow a one-month-old hamster to begin a full independent life, and his body will learn to process solid food.

Solo content or in company

Campbell's hamsters get along well together. Sometimes the female and male jungariki are loyal to each other. But this is rather an exception to the rule. Fighting for territory is more typical for these rodents, so it is better to keep them separately, placing the female with the male only during mating. Even a Campbell's hamster will do better alone before giving birth.

Don't handle small hamsters with your bare hands

Help with labor difficulties

Typically, childbirth in hamsters is not accompanied by problems or complications. But in rare cases, situations arise in which the animal requires immediate help. These include:

  • long contractions;
  • toxicosis;
  • fetal obstruction.

All this threatens the life of both the female and the offspring. In case of prolonged contractions or obstruction, immediate intervention by a veterinarian is needed - he will perform an artificial birth or caesarean section.

With toxicosis, it is impossible to save the animals. Both the babies and the hamster die from this complication.

How does childbirth proceed?

Hamsters usually do not require assistance during childbirth. The only exception is when the time of mating is known exactly and the hamster is already “overcoming” her term, then it makes sense to contact a veterinarian. Moreover, for about 4 weeks after the birth of the offspring, there is no need to disturb the female, just carefully add water and food. Even cleaning should not be done for 8 days, and then carry it out carefully, without touching the nest.

During normal labor, labor lasts about 3 hours; if it lasts up to 6, this is still within normal limits. The hamsters appear at intervals of approximately 5 minutes, completely without hair, with their eyes and ears closed. The female gnaws the umbilical cord and eats it along with the amniotic sac of each baby. When the offspring are numerous, the mother may not have time to cope, then some of the hamsters die.

All hamsters are born blind

If it is a Syrian hamster, it is absolutely forbidden to interfere. For the first two days, it is not even recommended to remove dead hamsters. You can try to help the baby dwarf, take it (not with your bare hands) on a napkin, free it from the bubble and gently massage it. Then you need to return it to its mother and see if she accepts this hamster. If the female refuses to feed, you will have to feed him artificially.

A female hamster can give birth to from 4 to 12 babies (there are known cases of the birth of 18 hamsters), but she, as a rule, eats sick and non-viable ones. A hamster eats or refuses to feed its offspring in several cases:

  • if you feel weak or unhealthy (with an unbalanced diet);
  • when she was disturbed (due to stress);
  • if he senses a foreign smell on the cubs.

After 4-5 weeks, the hamsters become adults and need to be placed in separate housing; only females can be left with their mother longer.

We improve living conditions

If the animal’s cage is not equipped with an additional internal house or other “shelter” where the female can place her babies, you should take care of this immediately after the news of the upcoming replenishment.

You don't have to buy a house. The construction of the nest can be left to the hamster directly. She will happily arrange the “nursery” on her own. It is important to help her with building materials. All kinds of shreds and napkins (without aromatic additives) are perfect for this role. The basis of the house can be a cardboard box of the appropriate size.

After the female has completed construction, touching the hamsters’ home is strictly prohibited. This ban lasts until the newborn reaches 2 weeks of age.

Nutrition for hamsters and female hamsters after birth

The female's diet after childbirth should remain enhanced, since a lot of energy is spent on lactation. Even with such nutrition, the hamster loses up to 25% of its weight during this period. All products that were given to the animal during pregnancy remain on the menu. It is also necessary to monitor the drinking regime in order to produce a sufficient amount of milk; the female needs a lot of liquid.

Newborn hamsters eat baby food

Small hamsters, when they stand on their legs, become very active, and they also require a large amount of calories. Solid foods are introduced gradually; canned food for children can be used. Among cereals, imported small grain mixtures are best suited.

If you follow all the necessary recommendations, you can get healthy offspring from one female 3-4 times during her life. The most suitable age for a hamster to give birth is from 3 to 12 months.

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Djungarian hamsters become sexually mature at the age of 1 month. The female begins her first heat and can already become pregnant. But this does not mean that you can start breeding. It is recommended to wait until the female finally matures - her body will become stronger and maternal instinct will appear.

The ideal age of a female for the first mating is from 3 to 6 months. But you can’t wait too long - the older the female, the less chance of getting healthy offspring and giving birth without complications.

If a female becomes pregnant immediately after puberty, there is a chance that she will subsequently eat the offspring due to undeveloped maternal instincts.

Many owners often keep different-sex dwarf dogs together all the time. But in this case, you should prepare for the constant appearance of offspring. In addition, hamsters of this breed do not really like their neighbors and often fight for territory.

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