How to determine the gender of a hamster: distinguish between boys and girls
Helpful Tips When you determine the gender of your hamster, you should follow certain rules in order to
18 breeds of decorative rabbits 2022: how long they live, what to feed at home
Pets are found in almost every home. The decorative rabbit is rapidly gaining popularity. These animals
Features of skinny guinea pigs and recommendations for caring for them
Skinny is a guinea pig without hair. On the one hand, the absence of wool is a plus,
Rabbit chews a carrot
What can you feed a decorative rabbit at home?
Many people who want to have rabbits as pets are often faced with the question - why?
Photo: Gerbil
Gerbil mouse. Gerbil lifestyle and habitat
Wildlife >> Mammals Gerbils are a large subfamily from the Old World. Its representatives are
This is what a guinea pig looks like
How to care for your guinea pig so it grows up healthy
The guinea pig has nothing to do with the sea; it doesn’t even really know how to swim.
Requirements, types and instructions for making your own cage for a guinea pig
Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, guinea pigs are very different from other rodents (for example, hamsters) in character,
DIY rabbit cages: how to make?
Rabbit cages - step-by-step instructions for selection and installation
Photo: agronovosti.rf Everyone who breeds rabbits knows for sure that they cannot do without a good cage.
Narwhal animal. Narwhal lifestyle and habitat
The narwhal is a small toothed whale that lives in Arctic coastal waters and rivers. His distinctive
Little hand (ah-ay) - a bizarre animal of Madagascar
In the forests of the wonderful island of Madagascar lives one of the most amazing animals in the world -
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