Homyakam.Ru – pet care
Can chinchillas eat raw, roasted, pumpkin and other seeds?
Home Chinchilla Nutrition 04/03/2019 Chinchilla is a vegetarian by nature. She eats everything she gives
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
Which tree branches can be given to chinchillas, how many and why?
Home Chinchilla Food 04/01/2019 On the rocks where chinchillas live in the wild, there is quite scarce
Chinchilla gives birth
How to breed and mate chinchillas for reproduction: recommendations, reviews from owners. How long does pregnancy last and how to give birth to chinchillas: advice from a veterinarian
This article will talk about breeding chinchillas at home and the rules for receiving them.
Chinchilla chews on her toys
How to play with a chinchilla and what toys to use
Rules of communication Chinchilla is a rather shy animal. The place to play must be safe. Needs to be removed
Teaching a chinchilla to bathe
Features of bathing a chinchilla: sand bath or water
In order to maintain the health, appearance and mood of the animal in good condition, it is necessary
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
How to find out the age of a chinchilla, the difference between young and old
Home Chinchilla Purchase 03/29/2019 Many happy rodent owners do not ask the question when purchasing an animal
It's sad to be sick
Common chinchilla diseases, their causes and treatment at home
Signs of ill health You can suspect the presence of a disease based on the following signs: Change in behavior. The chinchilla becomes lethargic.
What to feed a chinchilla at home
The benefits of succulent food In their natural habitat - the mountainous regions of South America, chinchillas eat
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
Why does a chinchilla quack at night? Chinchilla screams at night
Home Chinchilla Character and features 04/10/2019 Active animals communicate with their owners and brothers using
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
Chinchilla diseases - disease prevention and treatment
Home Chinchilla Health 03.21.2019 The chinchilla is just like any other animal,
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