What grain can be given to rabbits and how to feed them?

Expert opinion

Dobryshev Sergey Anatolievich

Professional rabbit breeder and hare breeder with 30 years of experience

In order for rabbits to grow healthy and gain weight well, they need adequate nutrition. It is difficult to overestimate the role of grain included in their diet. The value of cereals, which are classified as concentrated feed, lies in their nutritional value, as well as the high content of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements.

Another advantage is the economic availability of this type of food. However, not all grains are equally beneficial for rabbits. Therefore, it is necessary to study what grain to feed rabbits, at what period of their life and in what quantity.

Digestive system of rabbits

The animals eat coarse food with the help of their incisors, and they crush it with their molars. After exposure to saliva, food becomes soft and is safely sent down the esophagus directly to the stomach.

The musculature of the walls of the monocavitary stomach of rabbits is thin and flabby. This guarantees the absence of gag reflexes in animals. But there is also a negative side - if a rabbit eats something inappropriate for itself, its stomach will stop functioning, which can lead to unpleasant consequences, including death.

The size of the internal organs also has its own peculiarity. Swallowed food reaches the duodenum, which is twelve centimeters long, only in a period of time from one hour to seven hours. An underdeveloped intestine does not have peristalsis, which would take on the function of moving food into the stomach.

Only a new portion of it pushes through the swallowed food. Therefore, rabbits should receive food, including grain products, frequently. Pets should always have food in their feeder; starvation is unacceptable for them.

You can read about the features of feeding pregnant rabbits in our article.

Benefits of Grain Feeding

Grains go well with the rabbits' digestive system. They are able to push through previously eaten food well.

The grain is well digested by the digestive system of rodents. The availability of grain for rabbits is of particular importance in winter, when it is not possible to feed them fresh grass. The most important grain crops for feeding rabbits are wheat, oats and barley. Corn can also be counted among them.

Animals eat them with great appetite, and purchasing this type of grain is not a big problem for rabbit breeders. Each type contains its own set of valuable nutrients, so rabbits should include all of these varieties in their diet.

Please note that feeding rabbits exclusively with grain is unacceptable. In summer, the diet must include fresh grass, vegetables and fruits, and in winter, hay prepared for future use. Compound feed that has a balanced composition is widely used.

When feeding only greens and vegetables, it will be impossible to achieve rapid weight gain in rabbits, which is especially important when raising meat breeds. Easily digestible grain makes the diet complete and prevents gastrointestinal diseases.

Another advantage of grain crops is that they do not spoil, so they can completely fill the feeder.

Grain mixture recipe from Fyodor Anikeev.

Experienced rabbit breeder Fyodor Anikeev has many years of experience in breeding rabbits. He experiments a lot with methods of feeding animals, constantly striving to improve the yield of feed. At the same time, we always strive to use those components that are currently most accessible and attractive in price. Of course, not to the detriment of the common cause. As an example, I give one of the options for winter feeding rabbits. All values ​​are indicated as percentages:

  • Grain (corn, wheat, barley) 50%
  • Herbal (hay) flour 15%
  • Beet pulp 15%
  • Soybean extruded or calcined 4%
  • Sunflower cake 14%
  • Meat and bone meal 1%
  • Bone meal 0.3%
  • chalk 0.3%
  • salt 0.4%

Which grain to choose


Nutritious cereal has a positive effect on the health of rodents. During the growth period, wheat promotes rapid weight gain. It contains a large amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins B and E.

Wheat has a high nutritional value, so there is a limitation - its amount should not exceed 25-30% of the total amount of feed given. Increased consumption of wheat will increase the formation of gluten in the stomach, which can cause bloating and metabolic disorders.


This cereal contains a large amount of pantothenic acid, which keeps rabbits' bodies in good shape. It also helps to improve the reproductive function of animals. Oats are a natural antioxidant, so it is advisable to include them in grain mixtures so that the body can cleanse itself of toxins.

Despite the fact that oats have a high calorie content, they do not cause obesity in rabbits, so they can make up 50% of the total composition of the food given.

Oats contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It also contains zinc, manganese, copper, cobalt, vitamins B1, B5, B6. This culture is the best option for feeding rabbits.


Barley is a more nutritious cereal crop than oats. It is very beneficial for the digestive system of rabbits. Barley is recommended to be given to nursing rabbits and young animals in need of increased nutrition. It also promotes rapid weight gain.

Substances such as lysine and choline found in barley improve the overall well-being of animals. Barley grains also contain potassium, calcium and B vitamins. The outer shell of the grains is difficult for the stomach of rodents to digest, so it is recommended to remove it by grinding before feeding.

Barley should be limited during the period when rabbits are being prepared for mating. The nutritious product can lead to obesity, which will negatively affect the state of reproductive function.


This cereal is not high in calories. Corn contains large quantities of carbohydrates, carotene, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins E, B1, B2, PP.

However, protein and calcium are contained in this cereal in limited quantities. Long-term feeding of corn is not recommended as it can cause unwanted obesity in rabbits.

Why should rye be limited in animal diets?

Rye grains are distinguished by a high content of non-starchy polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates), among which pentosan stands out. This substance is difficult to digest , so young animals are given rye along with enzymes. These are enzymes that break down complex carbohydrates into simpler compounds.

Hybrids of cereal crops developed as a result of selection are vulnerable to fungal diseases. Ergot often appears on them. Infected rye is harmful to laying hens, pregnant females and young animals. It is important to ensure that the maximum amount of cereal per 1 kg of feed mixture does not exceed 1 g.

Despite its low resistance to fungal diseases, rye contains fewer toxic compounds compared to other crops. It contains practically no zearalenone and deoxynivalenol.

If the share of grain crops in the liquid diet is more than 1/3, the animals begin to develop increased foaming. The cause of bubbles in saliva is soluble proteins. To eliminate them, oil is introduced into the diet.

Rules for feeding grains

Cereals are very useful for feeding rabbits, but it is necessary to regulate their intake by rodents. Feeding rabbits with grain requires compliance with certain rules.

Pre-processing the grains will improve digestion and allow for better absorption of nutrients. The most commonly used methods include crushing, sprouting, steaming and yeasting.

Expert opinion

Dobryshev Sergey Anatolievich

Professional rabbit breeder and hare breeder with 30 years of experience

IMPORTANT! When introducing grain crops into the diet of rabbits, a constant supply of fresh water must be ensured.

Before purchasing a product, a visual inspection is necessary - the grains must be clean and have the correct shape. There should be no oily film on the surface.

Grain crushing

It is convenient to use a grain crusher to crush grain. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself.

To carry out the process at home, you should purchase a household-type grain crusher. The use of this technique will significantly simplify the process of preparing grain for feeding rabbits.

When choosing a grain crusher, you need to take into account productivity, grinding degree, power, manufacturer and price. You can make your own grain crusher from a grinder.


Sprouted grain is eaten by rabbits with great pleasure and is well absorbed by them. When germinated, the nutritional value of the grain increases.

The germination process consists of the following stages:

  1. Rinse the grain with warm water. The amount of grain depends on the need.
  2. Collect empty shells that float to the surface and discard them.
  3. Prepare a container for germination. Boxes, baking sheets, and pallets can be used as them.
  4. Pre-soak the grain to swell with a small amount of water and place it in a warm place for a day.
  5. Remove excess moisture.
  6. Place the swollen grains in germination containers on a thin, moistened layer of soil.

After a few days, small sprouts will appear, which can be used to supplement animal food.

DIY greens

To diversify the diet of livestock, professionals use fresh grass. But what can you do in winter when you don't have access to an important element of your diet? In this case, it is better to grow tasty food from grain.

The hydroponics method allows you to obtain juicy greens from cereals. The first step is to disinfect the raw materials using a quartz lamp. Radiation kills fungi and diseases that may be on the surface of the crop. Then pour it into a container, fill it with water and leave it in a cool room for a day to swell.

The finished material is laid out on pallets with sides. It should be remembered that the layer should not exceed 2 cm, otherwise there will be a problem with pecking. Cover the top with a rough cloth and spray with water from a spray bottle. The containers are left for 3 days at a temperature of 24°C. To prevent drying out, the burlap is irrigated with liquid once a day.

The sprouted grain is moved closer to natural light. For a week, water with a special hydroponic solution:

  • water - 20 l;
  • wood ash - 1 kg;
  • ammonium nitrate - 200 g;
  • boric acid - 0.7 g;
  • copper sulfate - 0.01 g;
  • manganese sulfate - 0.4 g.

The liquid is mixed with ash, boiled and filtered through thick gauze. Then the remaining chemicals are added, thoroughly dissolved and packaged in glass jars. For one bucket of water you need 200 ml of solution. This substance is watered over cereals twice a day. From one pallet you can grow enough greens for your entire livestock


To steam the grain, it is necessary to place it in a large container not to the brim, taking into account its swelling. Pour boiling water so that the water is 5-10 centimeters above the grains. Add salt at the rate of one tablespoon per bucket and stir. To cover with a lid. The food will be ready in 5-6 hours after infusion in the saline solution.


To quickly gain weight in a rabbit, it is recommended to feed grain prepared by yeast. To carry out this process you need:

  • grind grain;
  • Dissolve nutritional yeast in clean water;
  • Fill the container with grain with warm water;
  • add yeast solution at the rate of 36 grams of yeast per two liters of water;
  • stir and leave to ferment.

The fermentation process takes from six to nine hours. During this period, it is necessary to constantly stir the mixture. Rabbits are fed by adding grain that has been fermented to the total mass of feed, 2-3 tablespoons per serving.

Cooking methods

Methods of preparing food for rabbits are very important. Each product is absorbed differently and provides varying degrees of benefit. It is necessary to understand what kind of grain is best to feed rabbits so that the animals feel well. There are several cooking methods, but each of them can significantly improve the nutritional value of food.

Before you start cooking, you need to check the quality of the workpiece and, if necessary, clean the grain from dirty seeds, small stones, green unripe grains, small pests and fungus. Do not use the product if the grains are covered with black spots, are too dry or raw.

Careful adherence to all the nuances and rules will improve the health of your pets and bring them more benefit.


When it is necessary to help rabbits gain height and weight in a short period, yeast comes to the rescue. Yeast mash is especially useful for meat breeds. For proper preparation you need to follow several rules:

  • The yeast mixture must be stirred constantly.
  • Use only warm water.
  • Preparation is carried out in wooden boxes.
  • The layer of the mixture should not exceed 35 centimeters.

This method is divided into three types: sponge, straight and starter.


In this option, preparing the dough requires six hours and the following ingredients:

  • 0.5–1 kg pressed baker's yeast;
  • 20 kilograms of feed;
  • 50 liters of warm water;
  • Large vessel.

Add yeast to water in portions, stir constantly. After adding food, mix long and thoroughly. After this, it is recommended to stir the mixture for five minutes every half hour.

Yeasting after the dough requires another three hours, as well as:

  • 150 liters of warm water;
  • 80 kilograms of concentrated feed;
  • dough

The remaining ingredients are added to the dough, stir every hour until the process is completed.


The essence of straight yeast preparation is that the process of preparing the dough is skipped. The total preparation time for the mixture takes nine hours.

To prepare you need:

  • One hundred kilograms of dry food.
  • One kilogram of pressed baker's yeast.
  • 200 liters of warm water.

After mixing all the ingredients, the mixture should be stirred every 20 minutes throughout the entire process.


To prepare sourdough using this method you need:

  • 40 kg of malted carbohydrate feed.
  • One kilogram of yeast.
  • 20 liters of water.

Stir every 15 minutes for six hours. After the required time has passed, divide the mixture into equal two parts. To one part add 20 kg of dry malted food, 10 liters of warm water and repeat the fermentation process. The procedure can be repeated a maximum of five times. And with the other part, start the yeasting process, for this you need to add:

  • 150 liters of warm water.
  • Dough.
  • 80 kilograms of feed.

After mixing the mixture, the feed must be kneaded every hour.


Steaming is carried out according to a very simple scheme.

  1. Pour single-grade grain or a mixture of it into a bucket, allowing for swelling (do not pour a full bucket).
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Add one tablespoon of salt.
  4. Stir.
  5. Cover with a lid and leave for 5-6 hours.


The peculiarity of sprouted grain is to increase its nutritional level. After all, during growth, all useful microelements are released from the core and transferred to the stem. And from the stem they are fully absorbed by the stomach.

  1. Grain that is being prepared for germination must first be washed with warm water.
  2. If silver water is used for rinsing, one rinse will be sufficient. In the case of drinking water, you will need to rinse twice. Do not pour out the second water, but use it to add water to indoor flowerpots. Or to top up the grain itself from time to time to maintain the desired level of moisture. This is recommended due to the high content of useful microelements in the second water after washing the grain.
  3. Grains that float to the surface of the water must be collected and discarded. They are dead and unusable.
  4. If a previous inspection revealed fungal spores on the grain, the grain will have to be washed several times to get rid of all the negative elements as much as possible.
  5. The reservoir for grain germination should be made of clay or covered with enamel.
  6. A nuance - any grain crop germinates better at night, when there is no light.
  7. The sprouted grain is ready to eat; if necessary, you can leave it in the refrigerator for a day.

How to feed grain mixtures to rabbits

Rabbits can be offered either each type separately or mixtures of them. This is reasonable, since each type of grain crop contains a certain set of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. When feeding with formulas, nutrition will become more balanced. It is also recommended to add bran to the mixture.

When preparing mixtures, it is necessary to take into account the age of the rabbits and their physical condition. For adult individuals, the following ratio is suitable: oats - 40%, wheat and barley - 20% each, corn and bran - 10% each.

When feeding meat rabbits, the proportion of barley should be increased to 40%, wheat – 20%, corn and oats – 15% each, and the remaining 10% should be left for bran. During the period of their accelerated growth, young animals should be offered a grain mixture in the following proportions: oats and corn - 30% each, barley and bran - 15% each, wheat - 10%.

These recommendations are indicative and can be adjusted by rabbit breeders. The inclusion of grain mixtures in animal diets depends on the season. This becomes most important in winter, when there is no possibility of feeding animals with fresh herbs.

Feed mixture for winter

In winter, when the animal’s body requires food with increased nutritional characteristics, it is advisable to prepare a grain feed mixture. For each age group, its own nutritional substance is prepared. So, for young rabbits, the percentage of cereals is as follows: barley - 15%, millet - 10%, corn grains - 30%, oats - 30%, bran - 15%. For adult rabbits, the feed mixture is prepared in the following proportions: barley - 20%, millet - 20%, corn grains - 10%, oats - 40%, bran - 10%.

Important! If the rabbit lives outdoors, the proportion of barley in the feed mixture increases by 10-15%.

Zolotukhin method for feeding rabbits

The famous rabbit breeder has extensive experience in successfully raising rabbits, which he willingly shares with everyone. He offers the following scheme for feeding rabbits with grain crops:

  1. Little rabbits who are just beginning to get used to adult food after a period of milk feeding are given brewed oats.
  2. After some time, crushed oats begin to be added to food in small portions.
  3. After reaching the age of four months, the young animals begin to be given crushed corn.
  4. Rabbits should be given whole oats during the period of feeding their young rabbits with milk.
  5. Crushed barley should be given to rabbits before mating, as well as to pregnant rabbits before the imminent birth.
  6. After six months of age, males should be given a mixture of oats, barley and a small amount of corn.

If you follow the rules proposed by Zolotukhin, you can get healthy and well-fed rabbits.

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