What is it like to give a guy a hamster? Safe handling of your hamster

The cat is one of the most difficult symbols that one has to deal with when deciphering dreams.

The thing is that the image of a cat can appear in a dream for many reasons, and it is almost never possible to determine exactly how our subconscious worked at the moment when we saw a small kitten, a Siamese cat or an affectionate cat.

Perhaps in reality we encountered an amazing person who, despite all the difficulties, managed to avoid a seemingly imminent danger. After all, looking at precisely such people, we remember the folk wisdom: “He falls on his feet like a cat.”

The appearance of a cat in a dream can also be facilitated by meeting an independent, independent and slightly frivolous woman. And this is no coincidence, because in real life we ​​call such a woman “a cat that walks on its own.”

Or perhaps the image of a cat in a dream arose as a result of the fact that memories of how the cat washed itself were deposited in our subconscious: the folk sign “The cat washes its face for guests” is no secret to anyone.

A cat can appear in a dream even when we are watching with pleasure how a young guy caresses and plays with a cat: after all, it’s rare that another folk wisdom does not come to mind at this moment: “He who loves cats will love his wife.”

What if we dreamed of a cat, as a warning of impending danger (after all, during the day we were very worried when a black cat crossed our path)?

As for those human qualities that characterize a cat, they are, without a doubt, known to everyone. This is cunning, deceit and malice.

But at the same time, we must not forget that in ancient times cats were deified and considered special animals. This means that any dream in which you saw a cat is prophetic. The most important thing is to be able to decipher it correctly.

Watching a cat wash itself in a dream means guests. It is possible that you will meet old good friends with whom you will have a great time.

Watching a dog hunt a cat in a dream is a warning that you should under no circumstances deceive your friends. Having learned about your deception, your friends will turn away from you forever.

Seeing in a dream a small kitten hiding in a tree from an angry dog ​​is a sign that in real life you should be very careful.

If you dreamed of a kitten who, having noticed a dog in the distance, immediately runs to hide on the roof, then you should beware of a danger that you have already managed to avoid once.

If in a dream you saw a cat hunting for mice, then in the near future your life will be hectic and not entirely joyful. Various problems will arise on your way due to the deceit and evil machinations of your secret enemy.

If a cat scratched you in a dream, then in reality big problems await you, about which you will be very worried.

If you dreamed that a cat drove its claws right into your chest, then emotional anguish, sadness and sorrow await you.

Watching a cat pretending to be dead and lying next to a mouse hole means that in the near future someone close to you will attempt to deceive you.

Watching in a dream how a cat caught a mouse and carried it off to show its prey to other cats is a sign that in real life you are a very vain person.

Perhaps such a dream indicates that there are vain people around you who will bring you great misfortune.

If in a dream a black cat crossed your path, then in reality you should beware of dangers. Such a dream also suggests that you overestimate your strength, and therefore you should not refuse the help of friends.

Seeing a cat with kittens in a dream means problems with children. Perhaps your child is deceiving you.

Petting a cat sitting on your lap in a dream is a sign that in your environment there is a not entirely decent, frivolous woman who will greatly let you down by taking advantage of your trust.

Watching a young guy or a single man stroking a cat in a dream means that when he gets married, he will love his wife very much.

Feeding a cat in a dream is a sign that it’s time to stop “soaring in the clouds” and mind your own business.

Watching several cats fighting in a dream is evidence that a streak of minor setbacks awaits you, so be patient and courageous.

If in a dream an unfamiliar cat caresses you, it means that one of your new acquaintances has decided to take advantage of your kindness and trust. Be careful.

Seeing a dead cat in a dream is a bad omen. Apparently, you will learn about the illness of someone close to you.


Actions with a hamster and the nuances of sleep

The hamster is identified with thriftiness - it is a thrifty animal and usually sleeping with it is viewed from a financial point of view. But since the animal is weak both mentally and physically, and is also greedy and stingy, the interpretation can be both positive and negative. Depending on what the dreamer does in his dream

, can be deciphered point by point:

It is very difficult to catch a moving animal and hold it in your hands, and if you succeed, then such a picture symbolizes good luck in reality, a valuable gift, profit and a successful deal. The subconscious says that the sleeper is in control of his life and is able to plan. But if the caught hamster dies, or the dreamer kills it, such an image foreshadows misfortune, moreover, created through the fault of the owner of the dream. Do not forget that this is only a warning and everything can be corrected; it is important to respond to the signals of the subconscious in a timely manner.

Animal occupation

A happy and contented hamster stuffing its cheeks with food predicts financial stability. A person’s thriftiness and thriftiness, according to such a dream, can develop into stinginess, so storing money and valuables to the point of “Plyushkin” is not worth it.

A dream in which you dream of a hamster sitting in a cage foretells good luck, and it is not going anywhere. It also means changes in life. Both the dreamer’s hard work and the help of strangers will contribute to well-being. If the picture shows a sleeping animal, you need to be careful, since deception and betrayal on the part of others is possible.

An animal running in a wheel symbolizes movement towards a goal. Thanks to hard work, the planned event will certainly come true, but we should not forget about rest. Having received information, it is necessary to rethink it and correctly plan actions in reality, then all troubles will be avoided.

Number of rodents

If you dream of a lot of hamsters running around the floor, then this means new acquaintances with useful people, thanks to whom new sources of income and budget replenishment will appear. some soothsayers decipher such a vision as errors and wrong decisions in financial matters, therefore, if the dreamer’s activities are related to material values, it is recommended to check the documents. If animals are in a public place associated with making a profit, then a business meeting or transaction may not take place.

A small economic animal is basically a favorable symbol; it is important that the animal feels good, is treated with care and love - then prosperity awaits in reality. Psychologists also regard a large number of fur-bearing animals as a sign of remorse for pettiness and greed.

Breed and color

The meaning of the dream depends on the color of the hamster and its breed. Thus, an animal of Syrian origin prophesies waste that will not bring pleasure or benefit. You should consider your expenses and avoid unnecessary things. The Dzungarian rodent means a close friend and assistant who you can rely on - he will certainly help you achieve your goals and bring stability. A wild steppe animal symbolizes the influence of outsiders, ill-wishers. You need to take a closer look at those around you and check the documentation of your subordinates.

An albino portends a meeting with a special person who will force you to change your principles and attitude towards the world. Hamsters come in different colors, so in the morning you need to remember the following details:

A hamster is a hard-working animal and without effort and hard work, no plans will come true.

Depending on the gender of the dreamer

If a child talks about a dream about a hamster, then parents should pay attention to the baby’s health. Such a dream could mean digestive problems. In a night adventure, the rodent warns the girl about choosing a chosen one; the admirer may be insincere and you need to take a closer look at him. For the male population, the animal symbolizes all financial issues, prosperity and success in work. A dead hamster for a man means making the wrong financial move.

, bankruptcy and failure.

It is important for a woman to pay attention to the location of the hamster and its actions. The general interpretation is a meeting with a rich man

, joyful events and luck in amorous affairs. But all this will come true when the animal is in your hands, but if it runs away, you should be prepared for expenses that may be caused by children. A rodent as a gift is a very favorable sign that will bring wealth and financial independence.

We provide security

Despite the fact that the hamster will spend most of its life in a cage, its environment can be dangerous for it.

  • Maintain the room temperature at 22-24 degrees;
  • Avoid exposing the cage to direct sunlight, exposure to drafts and heating devices;
  • Try to limit contact with other animals;
  • Ventilate the room, do not smoke in the room where the cage is located;
  • Make sure that the rodent's home is located far from plants, wires, and household chemicals.

When choosing a pet, pay attention to its character traits. In order for your life together to bring joy, provide your little creature with decent care, comfort and safety.

Interpretation of famous dream books

Over the millennia, the experience and research of magicians and soothsayers has accumulated; modern psychologists give their assessment of dreams. The influence of dreams on a person’s future has been proven by world scientists and researchers. The meanings of night images may contradict each other, since with the development of civilization the worldview of mankind has changed:

The interpretations of famous psychologists and seers of both modern times and past centuries are still relevant today. The modern dream book has synthesized many years of data and associates the hamster with material wealth. A well-fed and shiny rodent characterizes the dreamer as a wealthy and thrifty person, prone to stinginess. Actions with an animal and observation of its behavior decipher the dream in a certain way. Keeping a happy and healthy animal in a cage means success in business, but a dead animal means failure and bankruptcy.

Ancient Greek soothsayer Aesop

According to the ancient writer and public figure, the dream indicates a search for solutions to the problem. He associates a large number of animals with monetary profit and treasure. A hamster bite indicates losses and expenses; the vision provides an opportunity to prepare and avoid mistakes. There is no need to rely on others and put aside savings in advance.

If an animal climbs on an object or over an obstacle, then this symbolizes an obstacle in reality on the way to achieving the goal. And the real outcome of the event depends on whether the rodent overcomes the obstacle.

Buying an animal on the market means meeting a rich person who will not share his experience and knowledge. Watching a hamster eat is an unexpected gift or income. You need to carefully observe those around you, so they will influence the future. Hand feeding is a new profitable business. A conversation with an animal prophesies the revelation of a secret.

The prophecies of the clairvoyant Vanga

The Bulgarian seer generally characterizes the hamster as a favorable sign, but at the same time it warns against a shameful act. A pregnant hamster means unfinished business that needs to be brought to its logical conclusion. Only in this case will the dreamer be successful.

A rodent placed in a glass jar or cage that restricts its freedom portends a favorable outcome of affairs, the resolution of financial disputes in favor of the sleeping person. And if a person sees a hamster that is sleeping, this indicates a rethinking of actions and the right direction in life. An animal running away in a dream represents a frivolous approach to business, carelessness. If you follow this path, then profit will bypass.

Psychological explanation according to Freud

Sigmund Freud considers the dream of a pet rodent as a signal of sexual experience and satiety in reality. For a family person, the image means home comfort, intimate satisfaction and happiness, and the desire to have children. An unmarried girl should pay attention to the fatness of the animal: if it is thin and scrawny, then you need to take care of its health, and fat and contented means a new admirer, capable of fulfilling all desires.

Seeing a sick bald rodent for a man means illnesses that will become long-lasting. If an animal sleeps on a bed, this portends a friendly relationship with a partner that will not take a romantic turn.

For a married woman, a vision of a restless animal darting around a cage foreshadows a man’s attempts to manage everything both at work and at home. He should be advised to focus on one thing; he won’t be able to manage everything.

For a lady who has no children, a dream about many rodents predicts childlessness. And for a pregnant woman, the image of hamsters warns about emergency situations, she should take care and stay at home more. A broken cage without a hamster means a rival will interfere in family life, it is recommended to pay attention to the discord in the relationship with your spouse and prevent the breakdown of the family.



what does it mean to make a hamster for a man? Today, a huge number of slang words and expressions, the meaning and origin of which are lost in the fog, fall into everyday speech.
However, on our website fashionable-slova.rf you can decipher many slang terms. In this article we will talk about the relationship between a man and a woman or a guy and a girl, namely, we will analyze the rather popular phrase Make a Hamster
, which means you can read it a little lower. However, before you continue, I would like to recommend you some more popular news on the topic of sex. For example, what does Gachimuchi mean, what is Cum, what does the word Hentai mean, how to understand the term Strap-on, etc. So, let's continue, what does it mean to Make a hamster to a man?

This expression has two possible origins:

First option

. The meaning of this expression is that some drew attention to the similarity of shaggy male testicles with the thick cheeks of a hamster, which he stuffed with grain, and therefore, when a girl takes them into her mouth, a similar association arises.

Second option

. This is when a girl takes a penis in her mouth, after which her cheek stretches, giving the young lady a very funny look. At the same time, she becomes like a hamster who discovered deposits of grain and stuffed her cheeks well with them.

Now many young ladies are quite often interested in what it means to give a hamster to a man

. Therefore, after reading this small but extremely useful article, you will now be aware of the latest trends in sexual fashion.


Hamsters are very cute pets, nimble, agile and unpretentious. Thanks to their fluffy fur and intelligent eyes, they are very popular, especially among children. Unfortunately, adults are often categorically against having a rodent in their home. This is probably why interactive toy hamsters have become mega-popular over the past five years. And you won’t surprise anyone with a groovy baby, with a house, tunnels and other accessories. Not many people know how to make a hamster with their own hands. Using our recommendations, you will surprise your friends or just fellow travelers on the road by creating a snub-nosed origami hamster from an ordinary sheet of paper in a couple of minutes, or you will delight your child by sewing a toy according to his individual order.

Save the hamster: sexual experiences of St. Petersburg residents that shocked proctologists

Doctors in St. Petersburg are sounding the alarm: St. Petersburg residents regularly violate safety regulations during sexual experiments. As a result, foreign objects end up where they do not belong. The situation is especially aggravated towards the end of the long weekend - May or New Year's. Among the finds of proctologists, there are often children's toys and household items: brushes and various containers for deodorants or cosmetics.

But one recent case surprised even experienced doctors. They removed a live hamster from the man's rectum. The animal suffered a real shock, but was released unharmed. The owner also escaped with a slight fright.

“This is a real victory for St. Petersburg proctology: two lives were saved in one operation,” the doctors joke.

However, unexpected finds are not at all uncommon, and some doctors even collect their own collection. “I had to remove various foreign bodies. For example, balls, for some reason, from ping pong. And once it was a tin soldier,” said proctologist Anton Krichevsky.

— Plastic Mickey Mouse, can you imagine? This is the most original thing I've ever worked with. I saw everything, I don’t blame anyone, it’s their own business, but why Mickey Mouse? - one of his colleagues complained.

— The most unusual thing I had was a thermostat for an aquarium with fish. It looks very interesting on X-ray. It was stylized as an aquarium - made in the shape of fish,” recalled another St. Petersburg proctologist Pavel Ardashov.

Based on personal experience, he managed to make a number of discoveries at the intersection of medicine and sociology.

— Most often, men with secondary and secondary specialized education and over 30 years of age come to us. The body usually receives improvised objects that have a cone shape. We do have women, but much less often, and for them it’s usually an intimate technique. Most often a dildo, but intended for vaginal use. They try to use them in anal practice, and sometimes these objects fly away. And most often through the fault of men, because it is men who usually initiate and do not restrain them,” the doctor said.

Sometimes people come to the appointment as families at once, getting into trouble together.

“I don’t know if this is true or not, but this is the story going around in the specialized department: a man and a woman were admitted to the department. He was popularly nicknamed “the puppeteer.” The problem was this: a woman stimulated her man, first a finger, then two, and then a hand got in. Apparently, the man had a sphincter spasm, the woman’s hand got stuck there, and in this condition they arrived at the hospital. Her hand was in his rectum. After certain procedures, we managed to remove this hand from there,” says the doctor. When the experimenters get an appointment, it’s time for unheard stories. People are embarrassed to admit their mistakes and begin to invent the most incredible explanations. For example, they say that they slipped and fell unsuccessfully on the very objects that now cause them such severe suffering.

How to make a paper hamster

So, you have a square piece of paper, preferably brown, and you are ready to bring the classic Costa Rican hamster to life:

  • fold the sheet in half;
  • Bend 1/3 of the part to the right;
  • fold the lower left corner;
  • bend the corner;
  • bend the collar strip and eyelet;
  • bend the corner of the tail and bend it.
  • draw an eye.

So, in 3 minutes you have a fluffy brown American who always keeps his nose up and never loses heart.

Hamster from a glove

It's quite easy to make a hamster out of plush or fur, depending on what material you have available. We suggest using an ordinary glove that has lost its half to make.

  • We make a pattern by drawing a drawing with a marker. We draw a line from the thumb to the base - this will be the tail. The index and middle fingers together are the body and hind legs, their tops are the ears, the ring and little fingers are the front paws and the outermost piece of tissue under them is the head.
  • Carefully cut out all the details, observing the proportions. Remember, the paws should be small.
  • We sew the edges of each body part, leaving a hole for the cotton wool.
  • Turn it inside out and stuff it with cotton wool.
  • We sew up the cotton wool and connect all the parts.
  • Sew on the eyes and the new toy is ready.

Animal made from nylon tights

An even more original and cheerful rodent can be made from ordinary nylon tights and padding polyester. So, let's look at the main stages of how to make a hamster using available materials:

  • We make a cylinder from a strip of padding polyester, fill it with small pieces of the same padding polyester, assemble it with a thread and tighten it.
  • We stuff the resulting design into tights, preferably flesh-colored 20 denier.
  • We twist the spout from the synthetic padding polyester, insert it and tighten it, starting from the top, bringing the needle to the face. We sew each stitch 2-3 times.
  • By stitching the nose diagonally from top to bottom, we form the nostrils.
  • We create the outline of the nose on both sides, drawing the thread from our first injections to the nostril.
  • We shape the cheeks by adding padding polyester and tightening the contours.
  • We make a mouth by bringing the needle from the back of the head to the intended corner of the mouth.
  • Next is a smile - a short stitch in the corners of the mouth, with a slight inclination perpendicular to the line of the mouth.
  • We form a chin with a funny dimple, forehead and eyebrows.
  • We make eyes out of beautiful buttons.
  • We put padding polyester for the arms, hind legs, back and tail. We stitch using already proven technology.

Now you know how to make a hamster yourself from different materials. You can review the instructions with your children. They will really like it and it will be interesting to make an animal with their own hands. In addition, it will contribute to the development of imagination.

Curious beady eyes, oversized cheeks where you can hide food in reserve, a round fluffy belly and an abyss of charm... Meet the decorative hamster, the sweetest creature who is not averse to living with you and at your expense, and in return - to brighten up loneliness and bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

Hamster is man's friend

The popularity of hamsters as pets is growing every year. There are many funny competitions with their participation in the world: hamster sprint races, competitions for the fattest, the thriftiest, the most charming... and so on ad infinitum.

Few people know that the most common type of hamster, the common hamster, is not at all the “ancestor” of domestic animals. The common hamster is an official agricultural pest, a large and aggressive animal that cannot be tamed or trained. The most popular varieties of hamster, which are most often sold in pet stores, are Syrian and Djungarian.

Better - alone

Most species of domestic hamsters are solitary animals. In the wild, they live alone, rarely communicating with nearby comrades, fiercely defend their territory and form pairs only for the purpose of leaving offspring. Grown-up children leave their mother and begin to live a separate, independent life. Hamsters constantly living in the same cage will inevitably sort things out.

Interesting facts from the life of hamsters

Life in a hamster cage is strictly ordered. The animal is very clean: it sleeps in one place, eats in another, and fulfills its physical needs in a third, and never next to the “bedroom” or “dining room.” If you clean the cage regularly, then unpleasant odors will not bother you. But there is one rule: when putting a rodent’s home in order, be sure to leave everything as it has distributed and arranged for itself. Otherwise he will be stressed.

If you decide to get a Syrian hamster, be prepared for the fact that from now on your nights will be filled with mysterious rustles and fuss. If you are a night owl, congratulations, in this case the wakefulness of the animal will only please you. But other species, smaller ones - the Djungarian, Campbell's hamster, Roborovsky's hamster - are ready to communicate with a person at any time of the day.

The best gift for a hamster is a good running wheel with a solid running surface. From about 12 at night, every self-respecting hamster gets ready to hit the road. Watching an animal running in a wheel is almost a meditative experience. Don't bother him - he knows where he's running and why he needs it, because from time to time he stops, jumps off the wheel and looks around.

The average speed of a hamster in a wheel is from two to three and a half kilometers per hour. And during the night he is able to cover a distance of 6–10 kilometers.

Hamsters have no sense of heights. The animal simply doesn’t see her, so he’s not afraid. Therefore, be careful when letting him out of his cage for a walk.

A hamster is a rodent, so its teeth are constantly growing and need to be ground down. It’s good if there is a birch branch in your home, which animals love to gnaw.

Hamsters are more afraid of heat than cold. Never leave the cage in the open sun.

It’s hard to believe, but in the wild the contents of one hamster’s closet can amount to tens of kilograms. Hamsters carry food from one place to another in their cheek pouches. And in some species of these rodents they are so large that at one time the hamster is able to carry an amount of food equal to half its own weight.

And one last thing. The day is not far when hamsters will become real astronauts! And not as some experimental animals, but as companions. “The appearance of a pet, such as a hamster, on board the International Space Station will create a favorable psychological atmosphere,” ISS commander Alexander Skvortsov recently said.

Well, if even distant stars are sad without hamsters, then it is apparently impossible for a person to do without them!

When a hamster grooms its body, starting with its back legs, front legs and fur, it means it feels safe and happy. When a hamster yawns and stretches, it means that he feels peaceful.

The hamster stands upright on its hind legs, ears pricked. This means that he is listening to something that has captured his attention.

Dwarf hamsters have scent glands that are located in the middle of the body, on the stomach. Syrian hamsters have scent glands on their sides, that is, on their thighs. Hamsters often rub against objects, leaving behind their scent. Scent glands are used to mark their territory.

When a hamster squeaks, it means that he is afraid or excited. This usually happens in the first days of being in a new environment. This behavior is normal and stops once the hamster is tamed. Dwarf hamsters squeak when playing, trying to gain dominance, or when they are actually fighting.

This sound means that the hamster is irritated and wants to be left alone. It may also be a warning of an upcoming bite.

Hissing is the loudest sound hamsters make. Basically, this occurs when the body is bent, the mouth is wide open, teeth are visible, and the front legs are raised. This means that the hamster is very upset and scared.

Does the hamster bite the bars? This means that he wants to get your attention. This usually happens in the evening or at night. To stop your hamster from biting the bars of the cage, let him out of the cage to run around. Keep an eye on your hamster to ensure he doesn't get injured. Give him something to chew on. If you place toilet paper or an empty roll of toilet paper between the bars of a cage that your hamster is chewing on, it will play and chew on the toilet paper rather than the bars. It takes time for a hamster to become tame. If your hamster nibbles you, it means he wants to get back into his cage.

For a comfortable life for a new friend, prepare

1. cage

. Choose a model that is not coated with paint. Hamsters love to chew on metal rods, and the coating applied to the cage can cause poisoning or a chemical burn to the esophagus. The rods must be well welded and have no protruding corners. The optimal distance between them is no more than 1 cm. Check the door for a strong lock.

Important! There are models of cages that include the necessary contents - a house, a drinking bowl, a wheel, a pipe.

2. Filler

. Do not put sawdust in the cage - the animal may get hurt. Choose wood or paper filler. Each type retains odor and is free of toxic substances. The paper version is hypoallergenic, the wood version is difficult to scatter, so it will be clean around the cage.

3. Running wheel

. In the wild, a hamster is able to travel long distances. Physical activity is necessary to strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of obesity. For rodents of large breeds, a wheel with a diameter of 18 cm is suitable, for small ones - 14-16 cm.

4. House

. The little rodent will carry a soft toilet into the house and will sleep, snoring peacefully. The houses imitate the burrows familiar to hamsters, so the pet will hide supplies there. Clean every two days, throw away spoiled food (pieces of vegetables, fruits, herbs). Shelters are made from safe materials - wood, ceramics, plastic.

5. Drinking bowl

. Clean water should be available to the hamster. The drinking bowl should be firmly attached to the cage. Rinse the device before adding fresh water.

6. feeder

. Choose ceramic accessories. They won't be easily turned over, so your pet's food won't end up on the bedding. A small bowl fits in any cage and helps accurately dose food.

Important! In order to save space in the cage, you can choose a product that combines a house, a drinker and a feeder.

7. Toilet

. Hamsters love cleanliness, so they usually urinate in a corner of the cage. Place a plastic toilet filled with pieces of napkins in it. Using the accessory will save time, because the litter will not have to be changed often.

8. Tunnels

. The device helps brighten up a rodent's leisure time when running on a wheel gets boring. Build multi-level structures and labyrinths that will be fun for your pet to move around.

9. Hammock

. Serves as an additional resting place. Hammock houses retain heat, so it’s comfortable to sleep in them if it’s cool at home.

10. Toys

. Wooden models can be moved from place to place and driven around the cage. Textile accessories are durable. The toys are made from safe materials, so don't worry if your pet accidentally swallows a piece.

If the hamster escaped

Close all windows and doors, put food and vegetables for the hamster on the floor. Be extremely careful when you move around the house, as you may miss your hamster and injure him. If the hamster is hungry, he will certainly approach the food.

Look at all the possible places where he can hide: under the bed, under the dresser, behind the bidet in the bathroom, behind cabinets.

You can also place an open cage on the floor. If the hamster sees the cage, it will enter it. Or you can use a bucket. Place a bucket with some food and vegetables with a stand for your hamster to climb up on.

When the hamster gets to the top, he will smell the food, fall into the bucket and will not be able to get out of it. True, he can be injured if he falls into a bucket. Don't forget the bucket for a soft landing.

[edit] Examples

Navalny's hamsters (Navalny's bots) are a common name among Navalny's critics for Internet users who support Navalny.

In 2010, Oleg Matveychev, in his famous commentary, mentioned network hamsters, which in his dreams were wound around the tracks of tanks on the Maidan.

According to leaks of Nemtsov’s telephone conversations, published by Life News in 2011, Nemtsov called the protesters “hamsters and timid penguins.”

In January 2013, the governor of the Murmansk region, Marina Kovtun, called Internet users who criticize the government “network hamsters.”[2]

Training your hamster to use the toilet

Can toilet training a hamster be successful? Yes it is! To start, buy a hamster litter box or adapt a suitable item for your hamster's litter box and place it in a place that he prefers. Place urine-soaked paper and some droppings on the bottom of the litter tray. When your hamster is not sleeping, place him in the litter box so that he can understand what is inside. Natural instinct will do its job. Tell him where to go to the toilet. Most hamsters can be easily trained to use a special litter tray.

Hamsters are clean animals that tend to relieve themselves in the same place, usually in the corner of the cage.

How to choose the right tray? Triangle-shaped trays fit perfectly into the corner of the cage. Trays also come in rectangular shape.

You can also use a glass litter box that is resistant to your hamster's teeth. The great thing about the glass tray is that you will need a 500ml wide mouth jar or a 250ml jam jar for your dwarf hamster. Place the jar in the corner of the cage and that's it! The hamster's toilet is ready! It's easy to clean, resistant to chewing, and will last your hamster a lifetime. Just make sure the litter jar is large enough for your hamster.

Available in pet stores with a small garbage bag and dustpan.

We will tell you how to provide comprehensive care for your hamster and what you need to do to maintain his health and good mood. It's not difficult, just follow the tips to make your beloved little friend feel great!

[edit] General characteristics

As has been repeatedly pointed out in the blogosphere, “hamsters” are people who, when assessing what is happening and other people, do not use facts and common sense, but mindlessly believe a variety of information garbage, promoted opinions, fakes spread through social networks, etc. In turn, this garbage is generated by PR people, advertisers, political strategists, etc. in the interests of customers and for selfish purposes.
Due to the above, the opinion of the “hamsters” is based on emotions, and not on an analysis of the situation and sober calculation. Hamsters believe that the idols they idolize are the best, kindest, honest, fair, etc.

However, there are also collisions with harsh reality that refutes the faith of hamsters, which often leads them to the need to ignore inconvenient facts, or even eliminate from their field of vision any information and its sources that does not fit into their cozy little mania.[1]

Method 1. Ideal habitat

1. Provide enough space. Your hamster may seem to sleep most of the time, but at dusk he becomes active and needs space to play. Provide as much space as you can! The hamster uses different parts of the cage for different activities and there should be sufficient distance between them.

So: cage dimensions: 30x30x50 cm. Bigger is better.

  • Mesh cages and aquariums, plastic and glass, are also suitable. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. A lattice cage provides more climbing space but takes longer to clean.
  • Make sure that the bottom of the cage is deep enough, at least 3-5 cm, and take care of high-quality filler.

2. Make sure there are enough toys. Hamsters are active creatures who spend a lot of time having fun and playing. The wheel is necessary, but they alone cannot do it:

  • Wooden twigs and other shaped toys are not only fun, they help maintain the proper shape of your teeth. The tree must be clean and safe.
  • You can make toys yourself. For example, an empty cardboard box is both a play tunnel and a chew item.
  • And if you fill a small box with special shavings, the hamster will happily dig around in it.
  • Do not use cardboard with glue or paint residue.

3. Give the hamster a wheel. A win-win option for running and channeling energy into a peaceful direction. The wheel must be made of a smooth material, in no case from mesh! If your hamster gets stuck between the bars, it can injure its paw.

  • Large wheels designed for rats are also suitable for hamsters.
  • Another option that allows you to run for a long time is a special ball.
  • Lure the hamster out of the cage by placing a ball at the entrance and pretending you don't care. Make sure the room is safe and there are no other animals.


What a hamster needs in a cage for sure is a house. As a rule, it is attached to the bars of the cage somewhere in the corner. The dimensions must be sufficient to accommodate all the supplies of the rodent and himself. The fact is that in the course of his life, he will drag all his food there, making a kind of warehouse. The inside should be darker than other areas of the cage, since it also serves as a shelter where the pet will experience unfavorable times. For example, after moving, he will be stressed and the pet will look for somewhere to hide, and in a dark place he will feel safe. Another use for it is for sleeping, but often the hamster does not sleep in the house and looks for another place for this. Don't worry about what you put in your hamster's house, he will find everything himself. But if you want to do everything in your power, buy a special filler for the house.

Method 2. Safe living conditions

  • If the room is cold, take care of a warm house.
  • And no drafts!

2. Make sure that there are no sources of loud sounds or bright lights near the cage; hamsters are very sensitive. Do not place the cage in a room that you use at night for work or socializing with friends. It must be dark at night!

  • Move the cage away from the source of ultrasound - TV and computer.
  • There is no need to place it near running water or loud appliances. This is very upsetting for hamsters.

3. Clean the cage regularly. The hamster should be in a clean, healthy environment.

  • Take a few minutes each day to throw out wet litter.
  • Do a general cleaning once a week.
  • Cleaning too infrequently or too often confuses your hamster.

Running wheel

The list of things a hamster needs in a cage must include a running wheel. It will allow the fluffy to always stay in shape. In the wild, they run many kilometers every day; this need must be satisfied at home. Otherwise, the animal will be lethargic and weak, it will have nowhere to put its energy, of which it has plenty. The wheel must meet certain standards. The dimensions must be correct, otherwise the hamster will not run in the wheel. For dzungaria, a diameter of 12 centimeters is suitable. Syrians need 18+. The running surface should not be slippery or contain holes where the foot could fall through. To keep your hamster cage healthy and active, your hamster cage accessories must include a running wheel.

Method 3: Provide your hamster with a healthy diet

1. The amount of food matters. A hungry hamster is a miserable hamster. An overfed person becomes fat and develops clumsiness and health problems. As a rule, a tablespoon of a special mixture of seeds every day is enough for a hamster.

2. Don't forget the treats. Why not make your baby happy? A little greenery, a couple of pieces of green apple and carrot, raisins, cabbage will probably please him. Throw away any uneaten treats the same day.

  • Some dog treats are also suitable for hamsters. Ask at a pet store.
  • It is enough to give hard treats for teeth once a week.
  • Remember that hamsters like to save food for a rainy day, so just because there is no food in the bowl doesn't mean it's all over.

3. Clean water! Try to change the water every day. Use filtered water rather than raw tap water. Clean the drinking bowl from dirt.

Method 4: Spend time together

1. Meet your hamster. Take the time to pay attention to his behavior and get to know his character better. Some babies are calm and shy, others prefer to run around the cage all night. Each hamster is an individual, and if your baby is too shy, do not bother him again.

  • For example, if he lays down on the ground and ducks when you reach out, it's best to check in another time. Now he is not in the mood to communicate.
  • If your hamster squeaks, he may be excited or scared. This is normal in a new environment, let him adjust.

2. It takes time to tame. Be consistent and patient, you won’t be able to make friends on the first day. Place your hand next to the hamster and let him smell it. Do not lift, even if he starts running on top. Let him consider her a new toy. Give me a treat.

  • If he is scared, slowly remove your hand. Be patient, some kids are very careful.
  • Over time, he will get used to it and will walk on your hand without hesitation.

3. Continue communication. Place a treat on your outstretched hand or feed it to your hamster while he walks along your hand. Begin to slowly raise your palm. If the animal gets scared, stop training immediately.

  • Always do this over the floor or wide table so he can jump onto a flat surface.
  • If he gets angry and bites, let him go and give him a treat.
  • Never touch your hamster while it is sleeping.

4. Consider creating a play area outside the cage. Find a clean, level area of ​​the floor and block it off so your baby can't escape. Place some toys inside, such as a tunnel from a box or an extra wheel.

  • You can carry the hamster there in your arms or use a ball.
  • Don't let him out of your sight.
  • Instead of a fenced area on the floor, you can use a box.

There is nothing difficult about making your hamster happy! Just put in a little effort and see what a wonderful friend this cute creature can be.

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