24 interesting facts about hamsters for those who want to have a furry pet

An article for those who don't have time.

By the way, did you know that the expression “a squirrel in a wheel” in English sounds like “a hamster in a spinning wheel”, i.e. in the English version we are talking about a hamster? And we’ll talk about where those who don’t have it can get time to study languages.

First of all, don't fool yourself. If you're reading this, it means you have time.

I even know how much. Each of us has 1440 minutes in a day.

If you don’t have them, it means you’re already lying in a coffin.

You're not lying down, are you? Then continue...

It's all about how we manage them, these minutes. And I readily believe that your day can be jam-packed with things to do. Especially if you work, take care of home and family, and generally lead an active lifestyle. Even one of these points is sometimes enough to make you feel like a squirrel in a wheel.

I am one of those. So what to do if you still really want to learn languages?

Perhaps the ways out of our hopeless situation that I have found will be useful to you.

There are four of them, and they are very simple: cross out the unnecessary, optimize the important, delegate and combine.

Crossing out the unnecessary

The first exit is located in the same place as the entrance.

No, I won’t talk about procrastination and how you shouldn’t waste time. I'm not your mother. And not a time management coach.

You don't do this anyway, do you? Or…

Feed, chats, comments, dialogues, TV, YouTube, useful articles... Really useful?

What is more important: to do today what you decided to do yesterday, or to learn something new that you don’t have time to apply? I'll just say one thing.

When I turned off sound notifications on social networks and instant messengers, life became easier. Even during my busiest movement, no one died. Moreover, everyone was happy with my increased productivity.

It became even easier when, after reading Zhenya’s article, I turned off visual notifications too. They no longer pop up on my phone and remind me that it would be a good idea to check… check everything.

And the hardest thing is to turn off calls on your phone.

I work as an offline teacher, and mothers of my students often call me. And many of them love to chat. Now I choose when and how much we talk.

Of course, I call them back. Do you know when?

5 minutes before the start of the lesson. Then we have time to discuss what is needed, but not everything unnecessary. Everyone understands.

It is especially convenient if the child arrives earlier and is picked up on schedule. These moments serve everyone's benefit. Muzzy for the child, time for me, conversation for the mothers.

If you're not a teacher and moms aren't calling you, use this life hack creatively. You can call back someone who likes to chat before a workout, in the checkout line, or during a lunch break. In general, when something starts in 2-5 minutes that does not depend on you.

Can't turn everything off because you have to always be in touch with someone important? Create some unpopular communication channel for this. Hangouts or Telegram, for example. Or a separate secret Skype.

Believe me, disabled notifications are worth it.

Oooh, this is a long-awaited feeling when only I can manage my time!

If your work involves making calls, this item is not for you. You are not your own during work hours. But at least switch off immediately after it. 24/7 mode is a bad idea for someone who doesn’t get anything done.

Hamster body language

With rapidly alternating movements, he pokes his nose into the ground

Sneaks along the ground using every opportunity for cover

Frightened because of being in unknown territory or because of a frightening noise Submissiveness, submission, in the female this often also signals readiness for copulation Playfulness, good mood

Translation from German: Rogalskaya Diana We thank Olga Lotsmanova for the information found


We optimize what’s important

Is all this important in your life really important? I won’t talk about work, everything is very individual here. But I propose to look at everyday issues in a new way.

No, if you can afford to sit at your textbooks on a diet of cookies and coffee, I envy you. Skip this point and save time. The same is true if you have a wife who is not noted for her zeal for languages. Go straight to point 4.

What to do if on your fragile or not so fragile shoulders rests not only a head thirsty for knowledge, but also household chores?

Where are the loopholes hidden from this not a wheel... a wheel!


you can do it less often. Going for bread every day, even for 15 minutes, is already a plus of almost 2 hours a week. Can you buy everything at once? And even bread can be stored in the freezer. Unless, of course, you're a fan of freshly baked buns.

To avoid forgetting anything, make lists. Enter what is running out, immediately dividing the goods into categories, and then in the supermarket you will not rush from department to department.

Need I say that the list should be kept in the language being studied? Over time, you will discover many new things.


– this is sometimes something that takes too much time. But you can rearrange your priorities and cook really quickly. Look for recipes from this position and you will be very surprised. Determine the maximum amount of time you can devote to preparing dinner and simply cross out the more labor-intensive items. Or at least save them for special occasions.

For example, I never cook anything that will take more than 30 minutes. During this time, I manage to prepare a salad, put the ingredients of the main dish in a slow cooker, wash the dishes and tidy up the kitchen.

Everything can be optimized!

Find moments in what you do every day.

If you pour boiling water over buckwheat, it will be ready in 2 hours (or by morning).

You can boil a dozen eggs, and you will always have them on hand.

You can boil a chicken breast (or any other meat, if you are not a fan of a healthy lifestyle) - and there is always a snack. Vegetables, fruits, cheese, and bread also help a lot with this.

I'm sure you will find your own ways.

And never, you hear, never cook for one time!

If your family requires variety, freezing will save you. Try it, most dishes lose nothing in taste. Even soup. Just imagine: if you freeze half of what you cook for a week, then in emergency conditions you will be able to feed yourself for a whole week.

Washing and ironing

I hope you have a washing machine.

But ironing is almost unnecessary if you carefully straighten the items and shake them well before hanging them to dry. Towels and bed linen - exactly.

I iron my clothes before putting them on. It will still get wrinkled in the closet.

And no more mountains of laundry to iron.


refers to the type of employment that is easier not to create. Even if you, like me, are not one to put things back in their place. Maybe it's time to learn this?

But first you need to clearly define its place for each thing. It may take you a day to do this. Maybe not alone. You may even have to make a rearrangement.

It will all pay off if you arrange everything correctly.

“Correct” here means that frequently used ones are closer, rarely used ones are further away. That access to books is not blocked by an old table lamp. And you don't have to ruffle your T-shirts to get your socks out.

At the same time, get rid of everything you don't use.

And the little things that your heart is not ready to part with are best put out of sight. Do you really need all those pretty things on the shelf that you have to dust off?

Who doesn’t know yet - Marie Kondo’s or FlyLady’s system will help you. I’m not advocating walking around the house in sneakers or cleaning the sink every night until it’s like new. But I learned a lot of useful things from these systems, and there is no such thing as a “Cleaning Day/Evening” in my life anymore. And there are 15 minutes every morning when I put my home in order before the working day. And at the same time I pay special attention to one of the areas of the apartment.

Gastrointestinal diseases

There are various diseases of hamsters that are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Among them, veterinarians identify pathologies of the digestive tract. They cause gastrointestinal disorders, and in severe cases can lead to the death of the animal.

Worms are also common in hamsters, which enter the body along with contaminated food or water. The disease can be determined by the slow growth of young animals, sudden weight loss (with normal nutrition), problems with fur (for example, oily sheen). It is also worth paying attention to the consistency of the stool: it becomes soft, the mass contains blood, mucus or fragments of parasites.

For treatment, antiparasitic drugs are used to destroy helminths.


This disease in hamsters is caused by E. coli. Colibacillosis is also called “wet tail”. This is because loose stools cause the fur around the hamster's anus to be wet.

The disease occurs as a result of the penetration of E. coli into the body. The source of infection is contaminated food or water.

You can tell that your hamster has colibacillosis by the following symptoms:

Specific signs of colibacellosis are loose stools and wet fur around the anus. The hamster is constantly trying to find a secluded place and curl up into a ball. He looks sloppy, his fur is disheveled, his ears are flattened, he doesn't move much.

The disease develops quickly, so treatment must be started in the early stages. Therapy is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. The infection should be treated with electrolyte solutions and antibiotics (tetracyclines are often used). The former improve the hydration process, while the latter destroy bacteria in the intestines.

Therapy is carried out at home. During the treatment period, you must follow the diet prescribed by the ratologist.

Important! Colibacillosis is highly contagious, so if infection is suspected, it is necessary to isolate the hamster from other domestic animals. You should also keep the cage clean.

Escherichia coli

Hamster diseases caused by E. coli can lead to the death of the pet. The infection begins to develop after a pathogenic microorganism enters the animal’s body, which begins to multiply rapidly. Because of this, the natural intestinal microflora changes, and the hamster’s condition deteriorates sharply.

Signs of an illness caused by E. coli:

The infection progresses quickly and often ends in the death of the animal. To prevent this from happening, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, you need to contact a ratologist. The doctor will prescribe a bacteriological analysis to identify the pathogen and develop treatment tactics. Intestinal antiseptics and antibiotics will help destroy the source of infection.

You can get E. coli from a sick hamster. To avoid this, a person should thoroughly wash their hands with soap after contact with the animal. To prevent illness, you should keep your home clean.


This is a disease in which the inflammatory process affects the small intestine (some parts or all of it). As a result, its functionality is impaired, and dystrophic changes appear on the mucous membrane. Then various digestive disorders arise.

The main reason for the development of enteritis in a hamster is considered to be the lack of hay in its diet. The disease is manifested by increased gas formation in the intestines and diarrhea.

Enteritis is treated by introducing high quality hay into the hamster's diet. Specific therapy is also carried out: the feces of a healthy animal are diluted with water, and then administered through an enema into the patient’s intestines.

We delegate

This outlet is for those who have a family.

I'm lucky I have a daughter. I haven't cleaned her room since she was about five years old. Are you really sure you can do it better than a child? Congratulations, get ready to do this for the rest of your life together.

It’s better and easier to learn how to do everything yourself.

I'll tell you a story. The other day we had guests. Early in the morning we got up and went for a walk. My daughter didn’t want to go out with us. She got up, cleaned up, washed the dishes, cooked pancakes and went about her business (work, by the way!). She is 15 years old.

If your child is still small, it’s time to start. You may have to get rid of your own perfectionism and learn to forgive small mistakes. Nothing bad will happen if things and books are not folded perfectly evenly. And it’s better not to arrange the toys decoratively on shelves at all, but to put them in a large box; this will take 2 minutes.

What else is there that you do that someone else could do? Believe me, they can do anything.

And the potatoes will be cooked when you arrive, and the garbage will be taken out, and they will go to the store.

Or maybe your mother doesn’t mind paying your bills along with her own? Or does your husband have a payment acceptance point near his work?

Skin diseases

Hamsters are susceptible to fungal skin diseases. Then various sores appear on the paws, ears, stomach and other parts of the animal’s body. There is also itching and dandruff.

The following fungal diseases are more often diagnosed in hamsters:

In addition to fungicidal, antibacterial drugs, antiseptic solutions, antiparasitic shampoos, vitamins for hamsters complement the treatment. The latest remedies will help strengthen the animal’s immunity and speed up recovery.

We combine

If you apply all of the above, you can already free up an hour or two a day.

But the main secret is in combination.

This is not a way out of the wheel. This is a way to masterfully twist two at once.

I always learn words on the go. And I walk a lot.

I personally prefer the old fashioned way - cards in my pocket. If there is no pocket, then in the fist. I press down 10-15 words and move on. I learned it and take the next pack out of my bag.

If you're not a dinosaur like me and prefer Anki, Memrise or Quizlet, just keep it ready at all times.

The main law of combination: if you have something at hand, you will find time for it.

Even if it’s not a walk along a deserted embankment, but a purposeful movement with obstacles in the form of curbs and oncoming passers-by, it doesn’t matter. At traffic lights. In the shop. In line in front of the ATM. You never know.

I also really love all kinds of audio materials. Because they go well with everything.

If I read a book (and I do read it), I always find the audio version.

You can listen on the go, while jogging, in public transport, while driving, or while doing household chores.

You can listen to the passage for the first time, and during the time allotted for studying, make out what you don’t hear. You can re-listen to what has been disassembled. During long classes, I sometimes put the book on from the beginning and listen to it again. You can't skimp on repetition.

Of course, you can watch films only on public transport.

And another wonderful option is songs. It only takes a few minutes to sort out the song. Then we add it to the looping playlist and enjoy. Listening skills are improved, vocabulary is consolidated. I love this method.

What else do I combine with what? For example, when I had a bathtub, I read in it. Well, I like to take long baths.

For this purpose, bilingual books are invaluable. Both pleasure and benefit. You won’t be surrounded by dictionaries and textbooks in the bathtub. Plus a small pencil to underline words that you then need to write down.

Now I don't have a bath. But there is a shower. That's why there are speakers on the washing machine, to which I connect my laptop.

Eye diseases

Due to their physiological characteristics, Syrian and Djungarian hamsters (as well as representatives of other species) often suffer from ophthalmological pathologies. One of the most common diseases is conjunctivitis (allergic, serous, purulent). Animals are also susceptible to cataracts, glaucoma, and uveitis (inflammation of the choroid).

You can tell if your hamster is sick by the following signs:

If such symptoms appear, you should contact a ratologist. It is important to identify the causative agent of the disease (viruses or bacteria) and select appropriate drugs. Typically, eye diseases in hamsters are treated with drops or ointments. Bacteriostatic solutions (Sulfacetamide, Sofradex) and Tetracycline ointment are often used for this purpose.

In advanced cases, the veterinarian will prescribe an antibiotic for the hamster. And vitamin preparations help boost immunity, speed up recovery, and prevent relapse of eye disease. In the initial stages, you can use chamomile decoction or Furacilin solution.

In the absence of timely treatment, the risk of developing a purulent process, visual impairment or complete blindness increases.

Tumors, boils and abscesses

Often, ulcers and neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature are detected in rodents. These could be bumps on the body or a growth in the ear. Pathological formations may appear if the hamster fell from a height, was injured during a fight with relatives, or was attacked by other animals.

To understand the cause of the tumor, you need to show your pet to a veterinarian.

An abscess in a hamster can form from a regular scratch or small wound. After infection penetrates, pus accumulates in the affected area (under the skin). The abscess looks like a swelling that causes pain when pressed. An abscess can form due to prolonged inflammation of the cheek pouches. The disease is treated surgically.

After opening, the cavity is cleaned of pus and washed with antiseptics. The hamster may be prescribed antibiotics.

Often, rodent owners worry about why their hamster has large testicles. More often this phenomenon is normal and indicates readiness for reproduction. But sometimes enlargement of the genital organs is associated with illness:

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately take your pet to the doctor. Especially if the appearance of alarming signs was preceded by a fall, severe bruise or other injury.

Oncological formations are treated surgically. The sooner the surgery is performed, the greater the chance of a full recovery. If metastases appear, the pet will have to be euthanized. The same should be done if the tumor is localized in a hard-to-reach place, for example in the mouth.

They are susceptible to bacteria and viruses

Hamsters carry salmonella and are also susceptible to lymphocytic choriomeningitis, a virus with symptoms similar to the flu. Children under 5 years of age and pregnant women are especially at risk. The main methods of transmission of zoonoses from hamsters and other rodents to humans are bites, direct contact with the animal, and indirect contact with contaminated objects.

These are very territorial animals

Photo: Frank Scherbarth

These rodents must live on their own as they are territorial mammals that value their personal space to the point that they will fight each other if personal territory is invaded. This aggressive behavior is especially common among Syrian hamsters. Once they reach maturity, which is 8 to 12 weeks, they should not be kept in pairs or groups. Even the scent of another adult male in the same house can cause irritation, so it is best to always keep only one male.

They have one of the shortest gestation periods in the class of mammals

The gestation cycle of a hamster lasts from 15 to 25 days. But if the conditions for birth are not right, they can delay birth by as much as nine days. They give birth to up to four litters per year. Females are very fertile and after giving birth they can become pregnant again on the same day.

But their parents are so-so. It is not uncommon for females to eat their young or abort a pregnancy if the male is not around. Most scientists believe that hamsters do this when the litter is too large and the resources needed to fatten the young are limited. There can be up to 18 cubs in a litter.

Photo: www.pets4homes.co.uk

More about the toy

Even the most skeptical and serious person in life will not be able to resist the incredibly funny antics of the game character. After all, the hamster parodies in a cartoonish manner any phrase it hears, while moving rhythmically. It’s not for nothing that this plush animal has become a real superstar of numerous videos. Well, what do you say, you can’t buy yourself such a miracle that can lift the mood of yourself and those around you in a second!

Users' attention is drawn to the toy because of its cuteness. This is a cute plush character with a brownish color scheme with islands of white on the cheeks, belly and nose. The internal details of the ears and paws are painted in a delicate pink color. In general, everything is done with the highest quality and cuteness to make the toy as attractive as possible. Not every modern craft has such charm and appeal as the Talking Hamster talking hamster. Just the small black button eyes make you see real cuteness in the hero. From the first moment you want to pick up a hamster or just pet it.

The hamster's body is placed in an upright position. It feels like he is sitting on his hind legs. The lower part of the toy is made flat for maximum stability. There is also a compartment for batteries held in place by a special toggle clip.

The successful production material for the original toy was high-quality soft plush. This is perhaps the most pleasant and gentle to the touch material, familiar to every child from childhood. The toy is sewn using factory equipment. All details are perfectly matched to each other, creating a genuine sense of neatness. There are no extra pieces or protruding threads found. The safe filling of the toy is padding polyester, which does not cause allergic reactions.

Anyone can become the owner of an original toy in the form of a talking hamster. Of course, scammers are trying to profit from the popularity of the product by offering outright fakes on the market. But meeting unscrupulous entrepreneurs can be avoided in a simple way. It is enough to order a toy only through the official website of the manufacturer. Here is a link to the original Internet portal, where talking hamsters are sold at a public price and there is no doubt about their quality.

Order with a discount

Their teeth never stop growing

Like all rodents, hamsters' incisors have no roots and never stop growing. By gnawing on solid foods, chew toys and sticks, hamsters keep their teeth healthy and sharp and prevent overgrowth.

Researchers studying rodent teeth have discovered that their incisors contain active stem cells. This factor, coupled with the fact that rodents constantly regenerate teeth, gives scientists hope that one day they will be able to reproduce the process of tooth regeneration in humans.

These are crepuscular animals

Most hamsters are active during twilight hours. Experts believe this is due to the fact that this is when insects, which are a natural part of the rodents' diet, are most active. There is also less light, meaning they are less likely to be caught by predators.

Syrian hamsters are nocturnal, which means they will stay awake at night, burrow, chew, play, and make noise. This is a very important fact to consider before getting a hamster.

They have the ability to learn


With a little time and patience, these little mammals will learn to respond to their names, easily learn routines, become accustomed to cleaning, and will even perform some simple tricks if taught gradually. So the more you handle them, the more fun you'll get from them!

What are the main advantages of the gadget?

Talking Hamster or talking hamster really deserves attention. Everyone will definitely like the toy. This is because the gadget has potential, which, along with its competitors, really turns out to be advantageous. Judge for yourself:

  1. This is an extremely cute and funny toy that can give adults and children many joyful moments.
  2. The repeating hamster promotes the development of useful skills in a child.
  3. The external characteristics of the product are very attractive. Hands themselves reach out to touch the hamster.\
  4. All materials used in the production of the product are of high quality and do not cause allergies.
  5. The original toy is certified. It has documents confirming the safety and environmental friendliness of the technologies and materials used.
  6. Only the original quality talking hamster is sold at a public price.

A simple but very original idea and creative implementation of the project made Talking Hamster a truly popular event in people's lives. Where a repeat toy appeared, it will certainly be fun! Neither children nor adults can resist the original invention.

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