How to care for a Syrian hamster: learning how to keep and feed it correctly
Let's start with a couple of lines of encyclopedic information. Do you want to know where your animal comes from and what
Is it possible to bathe a dwarf in water and how to do without this procedure
The dangers of frequent bathing for hamsters Frequent bathing greatly shortens the life of your pet. Hamsters don't
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
How often should you feed your hamster at home?
Home Nutrition 03/19/2018 Having decided to purchase a hamster, inexperienced owners are faced with a number of questions. First
What do hamsters eat - what food to give, what is healthy to eat
Hamsters have become one of the popular caged animals. These little creatures have
Fluffy and harmless: simple rules for the care and maintenance of an Angora hamster
The Angora hamster is not a separate breed. This is how they began to designate a variety of Syrian (aka
How to beautifully name a hamster girl: the best and most beautiful names
Hamsters are quite smart rodents: they usually quickly remember their name and respond to
DIY rabbitry
Rabbit cages - step-by-step instructions for selection and installation
High-quality cages for rabbits are sold ready-made. But if you wish, you can make a design according to
Ready mix for hamster
Review of popular brands of food for hamsters and the specifics of the diet of rodents
Hamsters are cute, fluffy animals that have firmly won the hearts of people as pets.
Choosing a name for a dzhungarik: a review of the best nicknames for boys and girls                                                              
Usually a name for a rodent is selected based on its color and size, as well as character
ferrets in the wild
Ferret - character, habitat, domestication of the animal + 86 photos
Appearance How do ferrets behave in the wild? How long do ferrets live? Types of ferrets
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