Hamsters have fleas
Do hamsters have fleas - what are the effective control methods?
Do hamsters have fleas? How to understand that a hamster is infected with parasites. Symptoms and causes
What is it like to give a guy a hamster? Safe handling of your hamster
The cat is one of the most difficult symbols that one has to deal with when deciphering dreams.
Cage tray. How to make unusual pallets in a cage with your own hands.
In order for less ammonia to be released, it is necessary to organize the collection of stool so that urine is separated from feces.
The hamster's eye does not open (or it festers): what to do at home
Eye problems are a serious threat to the life of a hamster
Due to their natural characteristics, eye diseases are very common in hamsters. The owner must be able to provide
Skin diseases in hamsters - causes, symptoms and treatment
Many novice breeders, having acquired the following breeds of individuals of the hamster order - Djungarian and Syrian, begin
Greens in the diet of a winged friend
What does a budgie eat at home and in its natural environment?
In its natural habitat, that is, in Australia and on the islands adjacent to the mainland,
Homyakam.Ru – pet care
Wet tail - all information about proliferative ileitis
Home General information 03/23/2018 Before you go to the store to buy a hamster, you need to know about
Tumor in a hamster: causes and treatment (bumps on the neck, stomach, sides and other parts of the body)
Tumor in a hamster: causes and treatment (bumps on the neck, stomach, sides and other parts of the body)
Having noticed a tumor in a hamster, owners are often perplexed - what happened to their pet, where did this come from?
Gray wolf
Top 15 largest wolves on earth - their size, habitats, habits
Scientists never cease to study these unique animals, because even today some
Can hamsters have beets - boiled, raw, beets for Djungarian and Syrian hamsters
Hamsters have a different digestive system than humans, and therefore most of the foods consumed
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