How much does a parrot cost? Prices for different types of parrots

Future parrot owners are often interested in how much the bird is valued at, but cost is not the main criterion when choosing. In addition to the monetary factor, the requirements for keeping the bird and physical parameters should be taken into account. On the eve of purchasing a parrot, you should think about what budget you have and study the likely places of purchase.
You can legally purchase a pet that was bred in captivity. By the way, some species of parrots are contained in the Red Book. International laws prohibit the capture and sale of such individuals.

The price of a parrot is determined by the following factors:

  • origin (kennel, legal import or smuggling);
  • species/breed;
  • floor;
  • age;
  • color;
  • how the chick was fed (human participation or will);
  • place of sale (pet store, market or nursery).

If the bird is brought from abroad, there must be documentation:

  • CITES (certifies that the lovebird is not an endangered species);
  • laboratory studies for psittacosis, salmonellosis, bird flu, Newcastle disease;
  • veterinary certificate from the state of import and export confirming the health of the parrot;
  • paper on tests performed in the receiving state after a 30-day quarantine;
  • day-old chicks in captivity must be ringed, and the ring on an adult pet is not removed.

Note. If you purchase a parrot without paperwork, you run the risk of bringing a sick bird into your home, thereby exposing your own family to a tropical disease.

Inexperienced parrot owners often wonder how much small birds cost, since budgies, as well as lovebirds, are easier to care for. Next, we will get acquainted with the most popular and affordable breeds, and also compare prices for some types of rare birds.

Budgerigar: how much does it cost?

This type of parrot has long gained popularity. Small in size, with a cheerful disposition, easy to care for and feed - these criteria contribute to the selection of budgies for keeping at home. Wavys live next to their owner for about 15 years. The ability to speak words for the owner affects the cost of the bird. To fulfill this need for training, you should buy a wavy friend no older than 2 months.

In Moscow, budgerigars sell from 700 to 5,000 rubles. nurseries, from 500 to 1,700 rubles. – private individuals, from 1,500 to 4,000 rubles. – pet stores. In regional centers, nurseries sell from 600 to 1,500 rubles, private individuals - from 500 to 1,500 rubles, pet stores - from 900 to 2,600 rubles.


Representatives of this species are rare in the world; the total number of representatives is about two hundred. The feathers are colored green, and near the beak they are gray. Birds very rarely fly; they prefer to move on their powerful legs, while allowing few people to approach them. Rarely purchased as pets, they are usually purchased by scientists who want to protect parrots from extinction.

The kakapo is native to New Zealand. It is extremely difficult to buy a young individual; to implement your plan you will have to set aside about ten thousand dollars. Birds are quite finicky and require care. They are rarely found as pets, primarily not because of the high cost, but because of their habit of making loud noise at night.

Macaw parrot: how much does it cost?

Such pets are an endangered species. The breed affects how much a large parrot is valued at. Fashionable varieties are more expensive: small macaw, hyacinth and green-winged.

A large individual, reaching a length of a meter, needs to be kept in an enclosure. A parrot that is raised in captivity adapts quite quickly to new conditions and can be trained. However, talkativeness is at a weak level. Such birds remember several dozen words. Russian nurseries practically do not deal with this breed; it is difficult to find a macaw in a pet store. Private owners are a suitable market, but buying poultry on the black market should not be prematurely rejoiced. Long transportation can affect the condition of the parrot. For a chic, exotic handsome man, the price is appropriate. In Moscow, nurseries sell macaws from 100 to 170 thousand rubles, private individuals - from 110 to 200 thousand rubles, pet stores - from 130 to 180 thousand rubles. It is almost impossible to find a macaw in the regions.

Orange-bellied parrot

Not the largest representative of parrots. The homeland of birds is Australia. The dimensions are not very different from the popular wavy ones, about twenty centimeters with a tail.

It has a bright plumage color - blue wings, yellow body, orange belly, which is why the corresponding name appeared. It is very difficult to teach words, but he sings very beautifully. The number of individuals in the wild decreases every month due to illegal fishing, so it is considered an endangered species.

Finding a specialized nursery to purchase a parrot of this breed is very difficult.

There is information on the Internet that you can buy a chick or an adult from poachers, and the cost is not the smallest - up to twenty thousand dollars. The Australian government is trying to actively prevent the illegal capture of these birds, but it is not very successful.

How many rubles can you buy a gray coat for?

The large gray pet has the intelligence of a 4-year-old child. Therefore, it makes sense to teach your parrot human speech. If you devote 5-6 hours a day, it is quite possible to achieve answers to basic questions and memorize words/phrases. These pets live from 50 to 60 years. The more words a Gray knows, the more expensive it is valued. On the black market, an untrained parrot can be bought for 15-35 thousand rubles, but no one will give a guarantee. In Moscow, nurseries sell Grays from 55 to 90 thousand rubles, private owners - from 55 to 110 thousand rubles, pet stores - from 40 to 85 thousand rubles. In regional centers you can find Grays from private individuals for 55-85 thousand rubles.

Black palm cockatoo

The high cost of this breed of parrots is primarily due to the small number of individuals. The homeland of black palm cockatoos is Australia; it is impossible to meet the bird on other continents. Catching birds is prohibited by law, and selling them abroad is also prohibited. However, they are found as pets.

Black cockatoos differ from other representatives in their large body size - up to eighty centimeters. The color of the plumage is light black, although this makes the name not quite black. After changing feathers, red spots appear on the head.

Some representatives can weigh more than 1 kg.

The average price for a young individual is 10 thousand dollars. The bird has an extraordinary mind, thanks to which it can easily remember human speech. The beak is quite well developed; the bird is able to use it to break a wooden stick with a diameter of about 6 mm. For this reason, your pet should be taught good manners from childhood.

from 10 thousand dollars

Corella: how much does it cost?

A characteristic feature of the cockatiel is its crest. In a calm state, the forelock is smoothed; when excited, it straightens out. The weight of an individual is from 180 to 200 g. The cockatiel has no pronounced skills; it remembers and produces from 10 to 20 words. However, he is fluent in gestures. The parrot needs to fly, so you need to constantly let the pet out of the cage or put it in a free enclosure. In Moscow, you can buy a cockatiel in a nursery from 2.5 to 9.5 thousand rubles, from a private person - from 4 to 6 thousand rubles, in a pet store - from 3.5 to 5 thousand rubles. In regional centers, Corella is cheaper by about 1 thousand.

Parrot care

Do parrots need vaccinations?

Veterinarians do not vaccinate parrots, says Oleg Rosenberg, a teacher at the veterinary and zoology club at the Minor Academy of Sciences. — If a bird lives in an outdoor enclosure and has contact with wild birds, then you need to buy a vaccine against Newcastle disease at the pharmacy. Take one dose and add it to the bird’s water. The vaccine should be given once a year. If the parrot lives in an apartment, no vaccine is needed.

In summer, expose the bird to direct sun every day for 20 minutes; this will help prevent rickets, which occurs due to a lack of vitamin D in the body.

What to feed the birds?

Parrots are fed special food, which is sold in pet stores. As for treats, everything is individual, you need to try different options and see what your pet likes best. If we talk about small breeds, some love seeds, others millet and dried fruits, large breeds love walnuts and fruits.

For parrots that sit in cages for a long time, bring branches of fruit trees (cherries, plums) with buds that have not been treated with chemicals. Parrots will gnaw buds and bark and grind down their beak.

What kind of water can I give?

Regular boiled.

How to choose a cage?

The cage must be spacious so that the parrot can fly in it. It is necessary that at a minimum the bird can make 4 wing strokes from the perch (the place where it will sit) to the perch. In this case, the wing muscles will work well, and the parrot will be comfortable with you.

Large parrots, such as Grays and Amazons, need more space. An enclosure measuring approximately one meter by one meter from floor to ceiling will suit them.

Should I let my parrot fly around the house?

A parrot should not fly around the apartment all the time. In 90% of cases, the death of these birds occurs due to the fact that they are released for a walk. Parrots do not navigate the terrain; when they fly out of the cage, they immediately get lost. If you still decide to let him out, close the windows in the room with curtains. Parrots often hit glass when they accelerate. In addition, the parrot can sit on the door, and if it closes due to a draft, the bird will pinch its paws - consider that you have lost it. Finally, your pet may fly into the kitchen, fall into boiling soup, or, out of curiosity, peck at salt, which is poison for birds.

Be prepared for the fact that parrots will try everything with their beaks: they will chew wallpaper, decorative elements, and wiring.

What can scare a parrot?

Under no circumstances should you grab his paws without allowing him to move. The bird may die of fear. For a bird, flight is a normal, natural state. The parrot must feel that it can fly away from danger at any moment. If you immobilize him, adrenaline is released, and the heart cannot stand it.

If a parrot was flying and suddenly landed on your shoulder or scratched you, do not flinch. You can't shout or wave your arms. This is perceived as aggression and can frighten the pet.

Where and for how much can you buy a cockatoo?

These parrots show high learning abilities. Cockatoos are ready to repeat words/phrases and sounds after their owner (dog barking, laughter, the sound of rain, household appliances). They live up to 50 years. The official marketing of cockatoos is poorly developed, since breeding involves large costs. Cockatoos are brought to nurseries in the capital from Europe. The price depends on the variety. In Moscow, a pet can be purchased at a nursery from 60 to 150 thousand rubles, from a private owner - from 80 to 140 thousand rubles, in a pet store - from 60 to 190 thousand rubles.

What other types of parrots do breeders and fanciers choose:

  1. Amazon.
  2. Rosella.
  3. Monk.
  4. Kakarik.
  5. Necklace parrot.


By size, all parrots are divided into:

  1. Big ones.
  2. Average

The first ones are much more expensive.

By age you can take a bird:

  • Chick.
  • An adult.

As a rule, birds begin to be sold when they reach three months of age.

The following types of Macaws are distinguished:

  • Red.
  • Blue.
  • Big soldier.
  • Red-eared.
  • Sinegorny.
  • Blue-yellow.
  • Hyacinth.
  • Green-winged.
  • Blue.
  • Guadalupe.
  • Cuban.
  • Small soldier.

Hyacinth, Guadalupe and Cuban varieties are more expensive than others.

You can buy a parrot in the following places:

  1. In a Russian or foreign nursery.
  2. From the breeder.
  3. At the poultry market.
  4. At the pet store.
  5. By private advertisement.

Choosing a parrot: should you save money?

Before purchasing a pet, you should study the maintenance and care requirements. Large birds are the most capricious. In addition to a variety of food and a free enclosure, you need to spend 5-6 hours a day with your pet. You must not only play with a parrot, but also train it, otherwise the bird will pluck the feathers on its chest and peck at the skin until it bleeds. The disease lasts a long time and is difficult to treat.

Bird prices are much higher at the nursery, but your safety and your pet's safety should always come first.

Make the right choice and let your pet please you for many years.

Pink cockatoo

A very beautiful species of bird, there is a small crest on the head, but the color of the plumage, on the contrary, is defiantly bright. This species was bred artificially by breeders; in the wild, cockatoos are not as rich in color. Life expectancy can reach forty years, size - slightly less than half a meter, body weight up to 500 grams, and loves human attention. The price is slightly lower than other representatives of this list - about one and a half thousand dollars per bird.

Additional expenses when buying a parrot

Keep in mind that when buying a feathered pet, you will have additional expenses that are not included in the price of the bird. Here are the nuances you should consider:

  1. Sometimes, based on an advertisement, you can buy a parrot with a cage and even food. But this is not always the case. And, if you buy a bird from a pet store or nursery, the cage and food are not included in the price.
  2. Cages for each species are selected individually - it depends on the bird's droppings. If the litter is liquid, then you need to purchase a cage with a tray - it will be more convenient to wash and clean. You also need to take into account the size of the bird and, depending on this, choose an aviary or cage. The price of cages for small birds starts from 250 rubles. Also take into account the material from which it is made, as some parrots have a sharp beak and can easily chew through wooden rods.
  3. As for accessories, many cages are already sold with drinkers, feeders, baths, perches and mirrors. If something is missing, you can always buy the missing element; it’s inexpensive.
  4. You also definitely need food. Choose food according to the type of bird.
  5. In addition to mandatory nutrition, parrots require vitamins, especially at the initial stage. Sometimes sellers write that the bird has completed a course of taking vitamins, then you can refuse to buy them for now. However, from time to time you should still feed your pet, since he lives in captivity and cannot get for himself what his body needs.
  6. Be sure to show your bird to the veterinarian from time to time so as not to miss any unpleasant moments. Better quality prevention.

In general, the additional costs when buying a parrot are not that great, so feel free to purchase a feathered pet and enjoy communication with your exotic bird.

Approximate prices

Approximate prices for different types of parrots with all documents are given in the table below.

Parrot speciesMinimum price in rubles
Soldier's big120000
Soldier's small80000

You can buy an Ara from private owners for 70,000-100,000 rubles . The cost in pet stores and markets starts from 150,000 rubles .

Where is the best place to buy

Considering how much luxury macaws cost, it is best to contact a specialized nursery that breeds elite birds. If the desired species of parrot is not available or the expected brood is available, it can be ordered from another country. After receiving the chick, you need to find out on the spot how many months it is, and also check the accompanying documents.

Private breeders have more attractive prices, but such a seller is unlikely to provide documents and be a guarantor of the bird’s health. It is a risk to pay a lot of money for a macaw, which may not be a cute chick, but an angry, unteachable or sick adult parrot.

Online stores are a dubious place to buy macaws, because most often they are simple intermediaries who do not bear any responsibility. And you definitely shouldn’t buy a valuable parrot from a pet store. You can imagine the conditions in which the birds are kept there. You should go there for a small or medium-sized parrot, but not for a gorgeous, handsome one.

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