On the issue of preventive castration of decorative rats

Ornamental rats kept as pets are very prolific. But owners are not always ready to breed, raise and accommodate numerous offspring.

In addition, some rats show aggression during the heat period, biting and scratching. Therefore, the only way to solve reproductive and behavioral problems is castration.

Pros of castration

  • Easier to maintain. Castrated males are much calmer and do not bite their relatives. Nulliparous females get sick less, so their life expectancy is longer.
  • You don’t have to worry about an unplanned pregnancy or the problem of settling unwanted rat pups.
  • You can easily put opposite-sex and same-sex animals in the same cage; they will not compete and cause injury to their relatives. There will be no unwanted babies, although the animals will be able to breed.
  • The appearance of animals will improve due to the normalization of the function of the sebaceous glands.
  • Males will not mark the home, and the nasty smell will disappear.

Types and methods of castration

Surgical intervention is performed in three different ways.

  1. Closed with 2 slits . This option is the most traumatic. The wounds heal within two weeks.
  2. Open - the method reduces the healing time of the wound to a week. The risk of complications is even greater than with the previous method. Intestinal prolapse is especially dangerous due to an enlarged inguinal ring.
  3. Closed with one incision is the most optimal method, surgical intervention takes place to the least extent, wounds heal promptly, and the risk of complications is low.

Why is surgery needed?

Castration and sterilization are the main method of preventing unwanted reproduction of domestic animals. Essentially, this is a surgical procedure during which the reproductive organs of the animal being operated on are removed.

In addition to protecting against uncontrolled reproduction, the operation corrects the behavior of rats (makes aggressive and hot-tempered individuals calmer), and also prevents the occurrence of serious diseases of various types in the animals. However, often the removal of reproductive organs is used not only for preventive purposes, but also during the treatment of already formed diseases that mainly affect the reproductive system.

How rats are castrated

The choice of anesthesia is made by the doctor, usually by injecting the drug into a vein near the tail or gas administration of anesthesia.

Intramuscular administration is less commonly used. When the patient falls asleep, he is fixed in a supine position, the fur is removed and the operation is performed.

The veterinarian makes a 1.5 cm incision on the scrotum for males and 5 cm on the abdomen for females. The surgeon amputates the testicles, ovaries, uterus and sutures.

Modern suture materials do not need to be removed; they dissolve on their own.

If another suture material is used, the sutures are removed within one to one and a half weeks.

The operation lasts no more than half an hour.

Types of anesthesia

In almost all cases of castration and sterilization, general anesthesia is used. Only if it is contraindicated for a particular animal, it is replaced with local anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used will affect your pet's post-operative care.

According to the type of administration, anesthesia is:

  • injection (intramuscular);
  • inhalation;
  • intravenous.

Injection anesthesia is the most dangerous. This is due to the following:

  • most painkillers are highly toxic;
  • there is no way to control the condition of an anesthetized animal;
  • After administration of the drug, it is no longer possible to adjust the depth of anesthesia.

Despite this, doctors believe that anesthesia administered intramuscularly reduces pain and alleviates the rodent's condition after surgery.

Inhalation anesthesia is carried out by supplying anesthetic gas through a special mask. This method reduces the likelihood of negative consequences of anesthesia and all kinds of risks to a minimum. The amount of drug inhaled by the rat is regulated. At the same time, there is no negative effect on internal organs and the liver in particular. But this option for pain relief is the most expensive, since it requires expensive drugs and special equipment.

The best option is intravenous anesthesia. During the operation, the drug enters the animal’s body through the tail vein. This method combines optimal cost and safety.

Postoperative care

The pet needs comfort after waking up so that the body does not experience shock. A clean fabric ironed with a hot iron is laid on the bottom of the enclosure.

It is advisable to place the patient in a place familiar to him. Anesthesia reduces normal body temperature, so place a heating pad or a bottle of warm water nearby, then the person undergoing surgery will recover faster.

The owner will have to regularly inspect and treat the seam for some time.

The rat's cage and bed must be kept clean and the animal must not be allowed to chew or lick the seam.

To prevent this, you can wear a special blanket. If the seam becomes inflamed or pus appears, consult a doctor immediately.

When the rat wakes up, you can pipet the saline solution.

You can give puree, porridge, and other soft foods. Solid food is indicated no earlier than after 24 hours.

What age is most suitable for surgery?

Veterinarians say the optimal age for surgery is 3-5 months. It is not recommended to postpone this procedure for a long time, unless, of course, the animal is used for breeding. The younger the rat, the better it will tolerate both anesthesia and surgery, and the faster it will recover after surgery. Accordingly, the older the rat, the more difficult the procedure will be for its body. Therefore, one-year-old rats should undergo surgery only if necessary, i.e. for medical reasons.

Character of a rat after castration

  • A neutered pet does not lose activity and curiosity.
  • If the rat was not fat before castration, it will not gain weight.
  • The animal will guard the territory as before. Therefore, you need to add relatives according to the usual rules.
  • Animals of different sexes are sociable and mate as before, but there will be no offspring.
  • Under severe stress, castrated males sometimes begin to mark their territory.
  • Operated pets are practically no different from full-fledged animals, but keeping them at home is much easier.

Advantages of castration at home

In a modern city, veterinarians operate in clinics and at home. Castration for an experienced surgeon is an elementary procedure; it is successfully performed at home.

For owners and their pets, castration at home is more convenient due to a number of advantages.

  • The pet is at home, in peace and comfort. The owner is nearby and will support the pet.
  • The animal will not have to be taken to the hospital and back, subjecting it to psychological and physical tests.
  • Choose a convenient time, including nights and weekends. The doctor will arrive at the agreed time.
  • There is no risk to have surgery at home. The veterinarian will tell you in advance how to prepare the rat and how to care for it after the procedure.
  • The price of the service does not differ from a similar procedure in the clinic.
  • If complications occur, a doctor will definitely arrive to provide assistance. You can also get advice over the phone.

The veterinarian, when going on call, will take with him the necessary instruments and medications.

The operation lasts no longer than half an hour, and often half as long. After the veterinarian leaves, the owner needs to stay with the pet for several hours until he wakes up from the anesthesia.

After waking up, the patient must be carefully given water, warmed and calmed.

General services

Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Ratologist visiting your homefrom 500
Clinical examination, preliminary diagnosis, consultationfrom 500
Telephone consultationfor free
Therapyfrom 150
Surgeryfrom 150
Ambulance at home (within an hour)from 1000


Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Subcutaneous administration of drugs to rodentsfrom 150
Intramuscular administration of drugs to rodentsfrom 200
Intravenous (into a catheter, through a needle)from 200
Dropper for rodentsfrom 1000
Placement of an intravenous catheterfrom 300
Removing the IV catheter200
Tube feeding of rodentsfrom 300
Taking blood samplesfrom 300
Novocaine blockadefrom 200
Reduction of the cheek pouchfrom 200
A haircut
Nail trimmingfrom 300
Haircutting matsfrom 1000
Ear treatmentfrom 300

Surgery and Traumatology

Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Surgery of the genitourinary organs in rodents:
Castrationfrom 2000
Sterilizationfrom 2500
Surgical proceduresfrom 400
Surgical treatment of woundsfrom 300
Application of musculocutaneous suturesfrom 200
Applying a bandagefrom 100
Applying a plaster castfrom 1000
Removing the plaster castfrom 300
Surgery for skin, soft tissue and tumor infections
Opening abscesses, hematomasfrom 400
Treatment of purulent woundsfrom 700
Drainage installationfrom 500
Flushing the drainage350
Treatment of auricular hematomafrom 1500
Unilateral mastectomyfrom 4000
Regional mastectomyfrom 5000
Removal of tumorsfrom 2000
Abdominal surgery
Obstetrics in rodentsfrom 1000
Animation of newbornsfrom 300
C-sectionfrom 3000
Pyometrafrom 1500

Anesthesiology for rodents

Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Anesthesiafrom 500


Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Eyelid surgery for inversion, eversionfrom 2000
Exenteration of the eyeballfrom 3000


Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Removal of incisorsfrom 500
Trimming and correction of teeth in rodentsfrom 1500

Laboratory diagnostics

Prices for services in our clinicIn the clinic and at home
Blood analysis:
General clinical blood test900
Blood cytology1000
Biochemical analysis for 1 sample indicator300
Biochemical blood test for 6 indicators1500
Biochemical blood test for 12 indicators2500
Additional biochemical indicators for pancreatic amylase, rheumatoid factor, c-reactive proteinfrom 300
Analysis of urine:
General clinical urine analysis400
Express urine glucose test200
Express urine test300
Biochemistry of urine 1 indicator100
Stool examinations
General stool analysis500
Stool culture for pathogens1500
Stool analysis for dysbacteriosis2000
Stool analysis for protozoa and helminth eggs500
Bacteriological screening2000
Microbiological screening2000
Full microbiological screening (no subtitration)1500
Skin studies
Skin biopsy1700
Skin smear1000
Dermatophytes and ectoparasites1000
Histology of neoplasms, cystic contents2000
Cytology of neoplasms, cystic contents1500

Surgery for medical reasons

Castration of rats is often carried out not at the request of the owner, but as prescribed by a veterinarian. The operation is prescribed by the doctor if any disease has affected the organs of the reproductive system - in such situations, in order to cure the animal, the affected genital organs must be removed. Ailments that lead to castration of a rodent for medical reasons include:

  • neoplasms;
  • oncology;
  • tumors;
  • cysts;
  • exhaustion;
  • avitaminosis;
  • various inflammations, etc.

Due to the increased susceptibility of rats to cancer, surgery to remove reproductive organs is often performed to prevent the development of the disease in the future. Castration for the prevention of oncology is usually performed at a young age - such an animal overcomes the post-operative recovery process much faster.

Age is another indication for surgery. Females over 1 year of age require sterilization, since in the event of pregnancy, an animal of this age is highly likely to die during delivery.

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